The writer Vytautas Jurgis Bubnys Cultura died


Vytautas Jurgis Bubnys is born 1932 September 9 In Čiudiškės, Prienai parish. 1953 graduated from Prienai High School. 1953-1957 He studied at the Faculty of Lithuanian Studies of the Vilnius Pedagogical Institute (now VMU Academy of Education), where he acquired the specialty of teacher of Lithuanian language and literature. 1957-1964 was the deputy principal of the Kaunas 9th shift night shift high school.

Since 1958 Member of the Union of Writers of Lithuania. 1965-1966 was editor-in-chief of Moksleivis magazine, 1966-1974. chief editor. 1976-1981 and 1991. He served as deputy chairman of the board of directors of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union. Since 1981 he devoted himself solely to creative work. He actively participated in the national revival: in 1988. he was a member of the Sąjūdis initiative group, a member of the Council and of the Sąjūdis Seimas, in 1992-1996. – Member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.

Vytautas Jurgis Bubnys began publishing his work in 1953. He is one of the most productive and readable prose writers in Lithuania, having written 44 prose books, including 19 novels. His works have been translated into more than 20 languages ​​(Russian, Czech, Polish, Latvian, Estonian, German and others), and several works have been screened. Many of the works in the Lithuanian Library for the Blind are published in audiobooks.

The writer has said: “I was born under a happy star. In my youth, I was shot with machine guns and scientific friends rushed to pluck wreaths from my grave. Only through a miracle did I survive. Two more encounters with death next year. And again, alive. Then I said to myself: I will be a writer and I will write books about faith in life: visible and invisible life, unpredictable life, full of mystery. In fact, this thought permeates the pages of many of my novels. Or maybe the same star meant that the total circulation of my books (I admit, my hands are shaking) reached six million. “

With his tale for teenagers Arberonas (various editions: 1969, 1972, 2009) grew more than once, but from the motif-based film (script written by the author himself) “Little Confession” (1971, dir. A. Araminas) Nida “became in the name of the legendary music festival and was remembered by many viewers for life. The writer also wrote the screenplay based on his novel The Flowering Rye Sown (1978, directed by M. Giedrys, co-author of the screenplay).

V.Ju.Bubnys, one of the most prominent creators of our literature, made a significant contribution to Lithuanian literature and culture. The writer, although he did not always see the social and political changes that pleased him, declared the joy of a brilliant life until the end of his life, believed in the power of art and focused his work on the common man, revealing the history of the nation. traditional values ​​and their impact on society.

He tried to look at the most painful historical events in his own way, say in a novel. Let your eyes open (1993) speaks of a sculptor of gods and, in fact, of the intersection of paganism and Christianity, the seventeenth century, when man does not know much who he is: Christian or Gentile. Meanwhile in the novel That morning wait (2004) the historical thread runs through three layers of time: the Kražiai massacre, the postwar period, and the events of January. The writer still had to deal with a bookseller living near his hometown, who wore a bookbinding medal awarded by President Smetona during the post-war Soviet era, and was later brought to Siberia for his bravery.

The writer has confessed: “Such an experience has accumulated, and I have been anxious to see the thread of the search for freedom spread through the generations of a single family. When, without any agitation from the country, without any exhortation, the villager walked and carried the book, defending his church. Bookbinding, like the defense of the Church against the Cossacks, is probably the only case in Europe where non-political villagers have been on guard for months and defending their sanctuary. “

Thus, VJBubnys is one of the Lithuanian prose writers who mainly contributed to the revival of despised spirituality, democracy and justice in Soviet society.

Interestingly, VBBubni was also interested in the spiritual world of a man living in a foreign country, a man involved in the bloody events of the Balkan war (novel April float, 2002). And not just an ordinary man, but an ex-monk, a Franciscan, who turns his abbot into a machine gun and goes to fight Serbs or Muslims. The writer has always, above all, been interested not so much in the political and ideological side of events, but in the dramatic inner state of man, his behavior in difficult historical periods.

By the way, a novel Float in april 2003 the author won the Baltic Assembly Prize. VJBubnys has also received many other awards, including: – Žemaitė Literary Prize for a storybook Can insomnia, 2003 – “Campanas” literary prize for short story Voice in the snow, 2005 – for a novel That morning wait – 1st Prize of the Lithuanian National Union of the USA and Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė Literary Prize, 2008 – Prize of Culture and Art of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. 1998 In 2002, the writer received the Cross of the Gediminas Order of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. – received the title of honorary citizen of Prienai.

Algis Kalėda, literary critic of light memory, has said: “The work of Vytautas Bubnis is closely related to the destiny of the nation. There is a tradition in culturology to consider artists as messengers of the gods. The drum conforms to this arrangement; the vertical, sacred dimension draws attention in many of his works. A clear effort to continue the mission of the Creator and, more simply, to create a way for people to live better and brighter. “Now they (and not only) will be able to talk about literature where it really is, hopefully, brilliant and good.

We sincerely sympathize with Velionis’s wife, writer Elena Kurklietytė, her son Vygintas, and other family and friends.
