A law is born in the Seimas for Karbauskis: if he resigns, he cannot participate in other elections


The leader of the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union (LVŽS) R. Karbauskis resigned as a member of the Seimas at the end of November, after 11 days of opposition.

Then he said it was a protest against the terror of the conservatives.

“If I hadn’t done what I did, then I’d really have to apologize. Because it would be a betrayal of the voters themselves ”, explained the head of the LVŽS the reasons for leaving parliament.

Now the conservatives have devised a kind of protest against the protest of R. Karbauskis. In the Seimas, the idea was born to modify the Constitution and record in it that a person who resigns voluntarily cannot be elected in the next term.

“You cannot come, stand during the election campaign, beat your chest, ask to vote. And in a few weeks, or in a few months, knock on the door and go,” said Stasys Šedbaras, conservative and chair of the Law Committee and Order of the Seimas.

He presented proposals on the future constitutional development of the Republic of Lithuania to the Seimas Future Committee.

The document explains why such an initiative arose.

“At the beginning of the Seimas mandate for 2020-2024, two Seimas members unexpectedly resigned from their duties as a Seimas member. There has been debate that this could be seen as electoral fraud and should not be tolerated when the same person ran in another election, ”the document says.

R. Karbauskis and Antanas Guoga, a member of the Labor Faction, withdrew from the Seimas for the specified period.

S. Šedbaras says that if these amendments are adopted, A. Guoga and R. Karbauskis will not be able to apply for the Seimas in 2024. They will only be able to do so later.

“It just came to our knowledge then. That would be one of the restrictions, if in the last election he resigned the mandate of a member of Seimas without any serious reason,” said the conservative.

R. Karbauskis himself has no doubts, the conservatives initiate this amendment especially for him.

“I think it is already a diagnosis. You see, this is a diagnosis of people who do everything possible not to leave any political opponent, “said the politician.

R. Karbauskis has not yet revealed if he will run for the next Seimas.

“And the fact that they are doing it, proposing constitutional amendments, I can remember that a few years ago, in the last legislature, they said how horrible we are to propose a change to the Constitution. But we didn’t really offer such nonsense as it is, “said the director of LVŽS.

Many members of the Seimas resigned during the last term of the Seimas.

Farmer Greta Kildišienė, Manager Kęstutis Pūkas, Social Democrat Mindaugas Bastys. They came out after the scandals. But when the conservative Tadas Langaitis resigned as a member of the Seimas, it was like a thunderstorm from the clear sky.

T. Langaitis was considered close to the party leader Gabriel Landsbergis, he was also entrusted with the position of chief of the electoral staff. After being in the opposition for just over a year, the conservative decided in 2018 to get back into business.

Shedbar agreed that the “good question” was why the Conservatives did not speak out about voter fraud at the time.

“It just came to our knowledge then. But look, it has that least power, the least number of votes,” explained the conservative spokesman.

Vytautas Sinkevičius, Professor of Constitutional Law, describes this amendment simply.

“Obvious contempt for the Constitution,” he said.

According to the professor, this would be incompatible with the democratic principle of elections, it would violate the integrity of the Constitution. It would also be contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights.

“There is no forced labor in Lithuania, everyone has the right to resign from his post. If a person applies the Constitutional Law, he resigns his position, he cannot lose another constitutional right: to be elected a member of the Seimas”, said V. Sinkevičius .

The question remains whether the Conservatives will achieve their goal, as Constitutional Amendments require more than 90 votes from Seimas members. Consequently, there must be a consensus between the ruler and the opposition.
