In one municipality, ambulances were late for 500 calls: all cars left


“It just came to our knowledge then. The president was interested in various topics. I was surprised that he was so familiar with the situation, the activities of the ministry. The specific questions were interesting, not only about the course of vaccination, but also about the network of institutions, the Pharmacy Law, the ambulance situation. (…) I really liked the format of this meeting, “A. Matulas told Delfi.

According to him, during the meeting, the president asked the committee members, including former ministers, committee chairs to share advice with the Ministry of Health, as well as to contribute to the management of the pandemic. One of the topics to be discussed soon is in the field of ambulance care.

“During several committee meetings with the municipalities, it became clear that the ambulance in the municipalities does not have sufficient funds. The ministry has identified the need for how many positions there should be and funds almost half of that. Although the necessary assistance is a function of the State. (…)

Now the following situation has arisen: say, in Kupiškis, the ministry has determined that there should be two posts, and the health insurance fund finances 0.98 posts. Skuodas must have two positions, funded by 1.2 positions. There should be two posts with a top post in Šilalė, funded by maybe one and a half posts. (…)

Šilalė told us that he was late for about five hundred calls due to lack of messages, the cars were gone. There is inadequate financing ”, explained A. Matulas.

The network of institutions is discussed

Another issue that is planned to be discussed with the ministry is the situation of the network of institutions.

We are strictly abandoning the forced optimization of the office services network, which has been done until now when, if you do not meet the criteria, you are threatened with closure or the rate has been differentiated (for large services it was double high for some services). We will definitely not destroy the institutions, “promised A. Matulas.

According to him, the current idea is to give institutions a choice.

“It is already clear that if the small institutions remain as they are, they will not have doctors or anything to treat for a few years,” said A. Matulas.

The head of the commission considers that the institutions should be able to choose between several alternatives. One is to join larger hospitals while maintaining shareholder rights, thus ensuring the flow of doctors and patients.

“Large hospitals diagnose, begin treatment, undergo surgery, and smaller hospitals continue with treatment,” taught A. Matulas.

Consideration is also being given to allowing small district hospitals, mental health centers where active treatment services are not provided, to merge into a single cluster.

“The municipalities will be able to choose for themselves. (…) But there are no plans to close any hospital,” said A. Matulas.

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