Attack of a famous criminal in the Vilnius court: the hearing had to be suspended immediately


A criminal case has been pending in the Vilnius Regional Court for some time, in which prosecutors have accused S. Valantinas of illegally disposing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances with the aim of selling or distributing a large quantity of them. The study found that as early as 2019. In August and September, S. Valantinas is suspected in Vilnius for 4.8 thousand. He sold 461 grams of amphetamine per person and gave him cannabis and the same amphetamine for free. In addition, it will be in May, he had the intention of selling 60 g of heroin to the same person, but was stopped by police officers.

The person to whom S. Valantinas supplied drugs acted according to a model of imitation of a crime issued by the agents, so all actions were controlled and the conversations between the men were recorded.

On Tuesday, Virginija Pakalnytė-Tamošiūnaitė, a judge hearing a criminal case against S. Valantinas, along with the participants in the process, listened to the secretly recorded conversations of the officials. In his courtroom, they also heard armed agents from the prison convoy, where he is being detained, brought by S. Valantinas.

The interviews in court annoyed the defendant as necessary: ​​he began to shout that he did not agree with the audio recordings, and also explained that he wanted to present additional documents, although this possibility was not foreseen at this stage of the process. Eventually, S. Valantinas removed the mask that covered her face and nose and began to ignore the judge’s demands to put it on and refused to be given a new medical mask by the court.

“Please put on a mask,” the judge repeatedly asked S. Valantina. However, the accused did not respond to these requests, although he was warned that he faced administrative responsibility for breach of order where there was a risk of contagion of coronavirus.

Tomas Uldukis, the prosecutor of the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office, who supported the state accusation, proposed to postpone the hearing and postpone the trial.

“There is a violation of the law in the courtroom, the defendant does not understand that his actions pose a threat not only to him but also to other people in the courtroom,” according to the prosecutor, there were ten people in the courtroom. time hearings during the criminal process.

The prosecutor pointed out that in such a situation the process could not be continued and suggested that the criminal case be heard from a distance or that the accused be withdrawn from the process and that the case be closed without him.

Attack of a famous criminal in the Vilnius court: the hearing had to be suspended immediately

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Judge V. Pakalnytė-Tamošiūnaitė decided that, in order to protect the health of the participants in the process, the case would be viewed from a distance: S. Valantinas could participate in the process from the video-conference room of the prison. Furthermore, the court noted that the accused faces administrative responsibility for the administrative offense committed, and information about the offense will be passed on to law enforcement authorities. Therefore, S. Valantinas may face a fine of 500 Eur.

Mr. Valantinas does not recognize the accusations made against him and says that “the criminal case has been falsified since the day of his arrest” and that the officials want to deal with it. Before his arrest, the defendant was officially registered in Kuršėnai, but the man, who actually lived in Latvia, stated that he was a farmer and had been involved in this activity since 2007.

S. Valantinas is well known to law enforcement officials: not only has he been convicted in the past, but has also been administratively punished on many occasions, and his name was mentioned in a famous case of corrupt Šiauliai police officers belonging to the division of Elite. This is written in the recently published book “Police Gods” – S. Valantinas and his friend from Vilnius were indicted by forensic scientists in 2012. after attacking the country’s combat self-defense champion, Mikhail Kochiurov, nicknamed Misha.

During the investigation of this crime, the officers in Šiauliai almost caused gang wars – at night they punctured the tires of S. Valantinas and another suspect; They hoped that this would provoke the men and that they would take revenge on M. Kochiurov.

“Our aim was to provoke them, to take up arms again and take revenge on M. Kochiurov, on plans that could have caused a real gang war in Siauliai, the former head of the Organized Crime Investigation Office of the Police Commissariat from Siauliai County. from Remigijus Zykas Department. – We thought they would then take up arms and arrest them with the same gun fired at Mr. Kochurov. This was Tom Ruchtin (then Head of Unit 4 of the Organized Crime Investigation Office – Delphi) idea: he mentioned that he had done something similar before, while still working for the Telšiai police. “

Although the officials’ plan did not burn out, Mr. Valantin and his friend were still charged with attempted murder, but were later acquitted by the courts. And M. Kočiurov, who was recognized as a victim, took such a position that no one attacked his life.

The exceptional history of police officers is almost 400 pages in the book “Police Gods”, which is already available in bookstores, as well as online at the publisher “Baltos lankos”, the largest online bookstore, and other distribution points.

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