In Kaunas, a boy fell ill with a severe form of Covid-19: resuscitation was also required


The boy was treated in resuscitation.

Head of Pediatric Intensive Care Department, Kaunas Clinics, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Assoc. Vaidotas Gurskis confirmed to the news portal that they had a hard time accessing them recently struggle a child with pneumonia who also had comorbidities.

With proper treatment, the doctors managed to save the boy and released him for treatment at home.

“He had COVID-19 pneumonia. The child was treated in resuscitation for presenting a comorbidity. He had severe pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs).

He required high-flow oxygen therapy and was treated in resuscitation.

Received the full spectrum (treatment – aut. past.), belonging to a child with severe pneumonia: remdesivir, high-flow oxygen therapy for 7 days, glucocorticoids, which inhibit inflammation and lung damage.

He also received antibiotics and medications that affect the blood clotting system and the likelihood of clots.

He was a really serious patient. We are not faced with so difficult kovidin pneumonia in children, we only know adults in resuscitation in our rooms, how things are going there, how they are doing.

In fact, the survival rate is not 100 percent for these people, but for our children, as our current experience shows, it was not a very difficult case, ”says V. Gurskis.

Not only are beds missing, doctors are also missing:

The pediatrician says the boy has made a full recovery after treatment and is now home.

“It just came to our attention then. The home must end the isolation period if it is a severe COVID-19. the illness is 20 days of isolation ”, says the doctor.

Covid-19 generally occurs differently in children than in adults

Dr. Darius Varaškevičius, Head of the Department of Admission, Emergency Care and Intensive Care at Kaunas Clinical Hospital, states that Covid-19 disease generally affects children differently than adults and often causes disorders intestinal.

“It often happens that the condition of children is bad, not only for that covid. For example, we had a son that we transferred to clinics for surgery. Hydrocephalus (brain water – past aut.) him with a bypass and kovidas contributed.

Most often, children suffer from intestinal pathologies: vomiting, diarrhea. Kovidas children are slightly different from adults.

It is not uncommon for a multi-system response to begin when deterioration occurs. It may take 10 or 14 days even after covidwhen the child is read as healthy, it is no longer contagious. Cytokine storms also start, ”says Dr. D. Varaškevičius.

Darius Varaškevičius

The head of the department claims that, on average, 2-3 new children arrive at the hospital per day, and a third of them are left with Covid-19. The most difficult cases are transferred to the Kaunas clinics for treatment.

COVID-19 also occurs as inflammation of appendicitis in children

Coordinator of the Profile of Childhood Diseases of the Republican Hospital Šiauliai Clinics for Women and Children dr. Margarita Valūnienė states that the children infected with Covid-19 who recently came to them were in a mild enough form and after the initial examination they went home.

“The main symptoms in children are fever, weakness, headache, but loss of smell and taste are very rare.

We had a couple of kids covered kovidas manifested abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, it would seem that the initial diagnosis could be acute appendicitis, in addition to meeting these criteria.

This inflammation of the appendix is ​​not like a surgical pathology, but exactly like COVID-19 an expression that clinically looks like a clinic for appendicitis.


Microthrombosis and inflammation have been observed in children, especially in the area of ​​the appendix, when adults present pulmonary expression, respiratory failure. In children, it begins with abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever.

Treatment, of course, is not surgical but symptomatic. Seeing what other parallels are the symptoms, but there is a treatment such as COVID-19 infections, “says the doctor.

According to M. Valūnienė, the majority of children, about 90%, suffer from a mild form due to changes in the immune system typical of children. Severe forms, which are more common in children after a recurrence of Covid-19 infection, occur in up to 5% of patients. cases.

“Children are not yet considered the main source. <...> Children are more infected than adults if they are sick, ”says the doctor.
