With each step, Diana, who was in pain, endured spinal surgery and waited for the second, but the doctors did not bring her back to life | Life


Threatened paralysis

“I have had a spinal problem from a young age. I walked to various massages and procedures; sometimes it helped, but the problem came back. Five years ago, the situation deteriorated enormously. I couldn’t even sit, let alone walk. I walked hard. I was already living in France at the time.

The local doctors said: lie down, rest and come in. I began to intensively visit specialists who, with certain movements, restored the vertebrae in place and taught me various exercises. As I later learned, what they were doing to me by twisting my spine made my condition even worse.

After one of those visits, the pain also traveled from her back to her leg. With each step, it hurt as much as if someone were piercing me with a huge needle. I remember flying somewhere for the weekend to rest. An employee approached me at the airport and offered me a wheelchair. I even cried when I heard such an offer, “recalled Diana.

Eventually, the pain became so intense that the woman could no longer go to work. The only way he could still get around was by bike. He slipped to the hospital and fell to the ground there. Hospital staff were not concerned about this, they only had a CT scan three months later.

Personal album photo album / Diana Vanesa R.

Personal album photo album / Diana Vanesa R.

“Fortunately, I was lucky. It was at that time that someone gave the date of the investigation and suggested that I change the date to tomorrow. The next day, I did not crawl anyway and I barely managed to lie down on the scanner because I had to stretch and not move. , and I could only lie down curled up. The whole body trembled, the tears began to roll. And after the survey, I heard: “Congratulations, you have a large hernia, 90 percent. The nerve is compressed, so it is necessary that have surgery right away. ”I was signed up for surgery as a matter of urgency tomorrow morning The doctor asked me why I hadn’t presented before, but no one had sent me to this test before.

I guess for a few more days, and I’d be paralyzed. The night before the surgery, I couldn’t even sleep because of the pain. The postoperative period was also very difficult: I recovered only after half a year. I was exercising all that time and only later, with more interest in myself, did I discover that some of the exercises that the professionals gave me were even harmful. For example, a board where you need to lean on your elbows and feet to maintain a true body. This exercise tightens the muscles and I just needed to stretch them ”, said the interlocutor.

It took almost a year for the pain to stop

Anyway, not so much after the operation, he returned to his normal rhythm of life, the back pain no longer bothered him. But a couple of years later, they came back. This time, the pain immediately traveled to her leg, only to the other that was sore before the operation.

I guess for a few more days, and I’d be paralyzed.

“As I had already experienced similar symptoms, I realized that there was nothing good. I am very afraid that a second operation is waiting for me. I went to the doctors, did a CT scan, and found the spinal hernia elsewhere. I didn’t want to have surgery, so I started looking online for information that might still help me. The story of a woman who was also threatened with an operation came to my eyes, but she started doing some exercises and the pain stopped.

After that, I read that a basketball player was exercising in a similar way and after a while he was able to return to the field. This is how I found information about the Cantienica methodology. I found out that the instructor for this methodology is also in Lithuania, where I was visiting at the time. I immediately found her and we started exercising.

It was September. I exercised for a month and a half, but did not get any results. He was already disappointed. After a while, I got sick with pneumonia. The cough seriously damages the spine, causing the pain to get worse again. However, after healing, I continued to exercise, so both with the pain and finally in mid-January, I started walking again without limping. I felt pain, but it was already possible to live with it. And in August, the pain disappeared, “Diana said.

Now the woman knows that 15 minutes of daily exercise is enough to feel good.

For two years now, he has returned to living a normal life and is happy to have avoided a second surgery. Now the woman knows that 15 minutes of daily exercise is enough to feel good. Some of the exercises are almost invisible on the outside, only the internal muscles are used, so you can exercise anywhere, even at the bus stop while waiting for the bus. If you feel comfortable and don’t exercise for a while, you start to have recurring pain, but it’s enough to put exercise back on the agenda and the pain goes away again.

“It just came to us then. When my back hurts, I can help myself,” said the interlocutor.

Personal album photo album / Nadia Sydorenko and Diana Vaneta R.

Personal album photo album / Nadia Sydorenko and Diana Vaneta R.

Headache and stomach pain due to posture.

According to her, today she can be seen advertising a wide range of equipment and remedies for back pain, but the biggest problem is that people themselves are lazy to work on themselves and look for external means that would cure them effortlessly.

“He used to be similar to me with headaches. I had such a migraine that I didn’t get out of bed. No medication helped. In France, I was examined with expensive equipment and found that the headaches were caused by inflammation of the ear. I was taking anti-inflammatories but there was no effect.

Some of the exercises are invisible from the outside, using only the internal muscles, so you can exercise anywhere.

Once, while traveling in Ukraine, I even had to ask the pharmacy to call an ambulance because it was so painful that I couldn’t walk. Finally, in a Ukrainian city, I was referred to a blind masseur. He advised to go with him. He massaged the accumulated salts on his neck, showed me some exercises to stretch my neck and the pain never returned. It turned out to be very easy to cure.

There was a similar story with stomach inflammation. Doctors prescribed various medications, but they did not help. Such pains came that the stomach seemed to break immediately. When I discovered that my stomach was tight by a diaphragm and I just needed to lift it, five minutes of exercise a day, and the stomach pains stopped! ”, Assured Diana.

How to find the correct position while sitting

According to the methodology instructor Cantienica in Lithuania Nadios Sydorenko, everything in our body is related to everything and many things in the body depend on our posture. Simply change your posture and your health improves.

The essence of this method is to work with the internal muscles of the pelvic floor, which when we move normally or sitting down, are hardly used, and therefore atrophy. The method is based on the concept of posture and movement: when all the bones are stretched and arranged according to the original anatomical structure of the human body so that all the muscles, joints and ligaments of the body acquire basic tone and vital elasticity, the posture becomes regular. and the strength, flexibility and endurance of the internal body, that is, the deepest layers of the muscles, is achieved.

Instructorė provides some simple exercises, worth remembering for everyone, especially those who do sedentary jobs.

The essence of the method is to work with the internal muscles of the pelvic floor, which are hardly used when we move normally or sit.

Sit directly on the edge of the chair. The height of the chair will be such that the ankle, knee and hip joints are bent at a 90 degree angle. Feet: wide hips, slightly turned out in a V shape. Lift the chest, but not with the chest muscles, but with the torso stretched from the pelvis. The top of the head points vertically upwards, as if someone is pulling the cord. Relaxed shoulders, lowered, arms relaxed, placed on the thighs.

Without using a lot of force, it is perfectly easy to click the joints and heels of the big toes against the ground. At the same time, you should feel the sciatic bone converge and the pelvic floor muscles tense. Release your feet, press them against the ground again, you will feel that the lower part of your pelvis immediately reacts when it is tense. A small balloon that inflates and then collapses seems to pull you away from the chair.

Now press your feet alternately: left, right, left, right. You will feel the corresponding sides of the lower pelvis begin to work. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your slightly open mouth. Be careful not to strain your neck, shoulders, or arms! The lower jaw is also relaxed.

You should feel a light state when the tight pelvic floor and deep spinal muscles allow you to relax all the external muscles of the torso, neck and arms.

It is an anatomically correct sitting, for which we use a minimum of energy, there are no spasms in the shoulder girdle, the back and as a result there are no headaches. When you work sedentary job, you need to sit all day, you just need to gain more experience to use this or the other side of your lower pelvis naturally, so the other can rest in the meantime.

Neck and shoulder relaxation exercises.

Sit on the edge of the chair. Feel the sciatica, that you are sitting on them. Inhale slowly and exhale at the same time pulling your body up as if you are being pulled up by a rope tied to your head. Legs: shoulder-width apart, feet slightly turned out in a V-shape.

The first exercise. Raise and extend your arms at shoulder height out to the sides. Bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle (fingers toward the ceiling, palms facing each other). Stretch your elbows out to the sides (as if you want to accomplish something with them), get up for a few seconds and relax.

Repeat the exercise five times.

We add: To the movements described above, that is, keeping the elbows raised and bent to the sides, we add a few more movements: we shrug our shoulders back and stretch our elbows to the sides as far as possible from each other. We relax and stretch again. We repeat the exercise five times.

We add: We add another movement to the movements described above: at the same time we do the movements already written, we are pulling our fingers towards the ceiling. We relax and stretch again. We repeat the exercise five times.

Exercise two. Elbows bent at right angles to the sides. We bring the right elbow in front of us, grasp the index finger of the right hand with the hand of the opposite hand and pull it up, while pulling the elbow down at the same time. Right shoulder back. We repeat the same exercise with all the fingers of the hand. Then we change hands and repeat again.

Exercise three. Legs shoulder width apart. Standing with your body tense. We put our hands on the windowsill. We take a step back and do push-ups with the body straight, stretching the elbows to the sides and straightening them. We repeat the exercise 10 times.

These exercises help eliminate tension, fatigue and pain caused by a long and uninterrupted session.
