“There is only one rodent left in quarantine”


After the government extended the quarantine until the summer of Thursday, but after releasing part of the restrictions, some compatriots breathed a sigh of relief, but the specialist warns that now it is the shoulders of the citizens that are falling a lot.

“It just came to our attention then. I have said for a long time that pandemics are not overcome by politicians or experts … ordinary people overcome them. So please show that we are not only courageous, but also responsible. Let’s overcome this challenge of trust together, “wrote M. Stankūnas on Facebook.

A member of a group of government experts posed the question “A brave black man or a responsible country?” On Facebook Thursday.

Soon it also provided a prognosis for new infections.

“It is likely that tomorrow morning we will hear that in Lithuania on the 14th. Number of new cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants Exceeded 500 and this will mean the return of our country to the” black zone “. Well, maybe tomorrow we can avoid it “through Mary’s hair”, but on Saturday we will definitely be where we last visited on January 30. Currently, 958 COVID-19 patients are being treated in the hospital, the same as in the first week The best “level” we achieved was from March 15 to March 21, when about 750 patients were treated, that is, +20 percent. with “magaryčiai,” wrote M. Stankūnas.

He recalled that according to data from Thursday in Lithuania, there were 104 COVID-19 patients in resuscitation.

According to M. Stankūnas, if the acceleration of the vaccination process in Lithuania gives a lot of hope. The specialist affirmed that it is realistic to achieve the plan announced by President Gitanas Nausėda in the past that the country will achieve population immunity from Mindauginiai.

“It just came to our attention then. Never before have so many tests been done in Lithuania, which means that more cases are likely to be detected and thus the spread of the virus will slow down. Vaccination is gaining momentum and if not there is “oba” with the planned supply of vaccines, then I could bet that the ambitious goal of HE President Mindauginiai of achieving immunity of the population is quite possible, “wrote M. Stankūnas.

However, M. Stankūnas immediately warned about the decisions made by the government on Thursday. One of them is to open the doors of supermarkets on weekdays.

“It just came to our attention then. However, after today’s decision of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, only one rodent came out of quarantine. The stages of the launch of the various activities are clearly identified with the dates. From a Purely mathematical point of view, these launches should translate into an increase in new cases. I will be precise that this should lead to +3000 new COVID-19 cases per day in early May. Massive tests help to control, but not as much as to have low morbidity rates, assured M. Stankūnas. – Vaccination will not work that hard yet. Looking at the Israeli experience, we need at least 40 percent. people vaccinated. We are still halfway there and we will only reach this figure with the most optimistic plans in late May or early June. Vaccination can now allow us to expect less workload and deaths in the hospital sector. “

According to M. Stankūnas, it would be difficult to find at least one country in the world that would begin to liberalize its activities with the current indicator of the country and the positive growth trend of the infection.

“Isn’t the Government of the Republic of Lithuania behaving irresponsibly? – I don’t think so. Or maybe too daring?” Um … maybe “, said M. Stankūnas. – Last year I said that the virus He is not some kind of dragon, a superman. He is even very vulnerable and can be easily controlled. The simplest things we all know are needed. I once had a NEPT meeting with retailers. His perception of risks and his willingness to take Additional commitments to prevent the virus from spreading were very positive. Then I told them that I really admire their determination, but I emphasized that for us to be successful, you must have that determination and the responsibility to be in the eyes of each of your employees. “

According to a member of the government’s think tank, the only way forward is for everyone to do their best.

“For us to be successful, we don’t have to do it 100 percent, but even 110, 120, or even 130 percent. That’s what we all need to do. This should be done by a store clerk who asks the customer to wait outside for a bit until current customers leave. The cafe bartender should do the same, sweeping the sanitizer on the table once more. This should be done by a gym trainer who would suggest the customer do other exercises so there is no “clutter” in one place. And many more … “wrote M. Stankūnas.
