Stores open in Akropolis: publish the most important information for visitors


During peak hours, almost twice as many security guards will work, medical masks will be distributed to visitors without them, and flows in each of the Akropolis shopping centers in Vilnius, Klaipėda and Šiauliai will be available online.

According to the instructions of the Government, all the shops of the Akropoliai shopping centers in Vilnius, Klaipėda and Šiauliai will be open only from Monday to Friday, and on weekends there will be shops selling basic necessities: food, veterinary, optics, orthopedics, pharmacies. as stores with separate entrances.

Supermarkets will resume work to meet all requirements, including the requirement for a larger area per customer.

Dominykas Mertinas, head of the communication department of the Akropolis Group company, which manages the shopping centers, says that the breakdown by the COVID-19 pandemic made it even better to prepare for a safe shopping experience and a safe resumption of active work. .

“Looking at the situation responsibly and in order to contribute to the joint effort to manage the coronavirus pandemic, we are ready to work with maximum security. With the help of technology and human resources, we feel reassured about the safety of customers and employees, and we have no doubts about the effectiveness of the chosen measures, – says D. Mertinas. “We miss our customers, but we continue to encourage our visitors to be vigilant: plan their purchases, visit the supermarkets one by one and only when necessary.”

The reopening of the stores in Akropolis will open the doors of the supermarkets to employees returning to work after the break, following the COVID-19 tests. This is provided for the retail sector by the Ministry of Health.

Modern technology used

In accordance with applicable requirements, stores will continue to monitor the number of visitors in accordance with the planned minimum retail space per person and will ensure that no more people are reached than allowed. Some grocery stores and other essentials stores will stick with the number of carts and baskets that people can accommodate.

Sensormatic ShopperTrak flow calculation systems used at Akropolis will help mall managers regulate visitor flows, and specially programmed Traffic Flow will help visitors plan safer purchases. On the website, all visitors can find out in real time the number of buyers in each of the supermarkets.

Large stores operating in Akropolis, such as Maxima, Hermitage, Topo centers, Zara and others, have their own security guards, but the number of security guards working in the common areas of the shopping center during peak hours will almost double. .

“Security guards will distribute medical masks to visitors who do not have them, remind them of the need to maintain safe distances, and help smaller stores regulate flows as needed. There are marked waiting places at a safe distance both supermarkets as well as individual stores, we encourage shoppers to follow them, ”says D. Mertin.

Great attention to disinfection.

The common areas of the Acropolis minimize the number of rest areas and benches, which were intended for the short rest of the visitors. The goal is to limit potential contacts between strangers and encourage efficient use of time at the supermarket by assigning it to pre-planned purchases.

At least 4 times a day, surfaces and sanitary facilities that are most frequently touched are cleaned and disinfected, and the railings of the escalators and the air in the elevator cars are constantly disinfected with ultraviolet rays.

“The ventilation runs constantly at full capacity, providing the facilities with the maximum amount of fresh air. For our part, we remind visitors of the need to properly wear masks and actively use the disinfectant fluid that is available at each entrance, information center, frequently touched surfaces, in each store. Let’s not forget that safety is determined by everyone’s effort “, remembers D. Mertin.

In turn, supermarket staff will wear regularly replaced medical masks or respirators, and the centers will provide facilities for staff to conduct regular tests if necessary, constantly remind them of the rules of safe conduct through their reporting channels, and contribute to the dissemination of other educational programs related to the pandemic. information.
