Squirrel: what happens in vaccination centers is a shame


“There is a constant distraction between the priority queues, sending a different message. Look what is happening in the Vilnius municipality itself, which has been teaching our Government all the time, show up and teach the current one how to work. And what is happening in the municipal vaccination centers is a pity: people crowd together, wait in lines, safe distances are not observed, “he told the press on Thursday.

“The chaos that comes with a vaccination plan and the lack of strategy is really questionable,” added the former prime minister.
Skvernel also criticized government proposals to postpone Pfizer’s second dose booster dose to vaccinate as many people as possible with the first dose.

“There are also doubts about the political statements about one of the vaccines (Pfizer – ELTA), when they say that we will change the vaccination regimen, although the manufacturer’s annotation (…) says very differently about the frequency and interval of vaccination,” Skvernel added.
The former prime minister was also surprised by the lack of protective measures in medical institutions.

“The test volumes have also fallen drastically, although now they are growing, we do not know the reasons. We hear from the hospitals, it is hard to believe, that there is a lack of protection again, the health reserve is empty. We bought so much that we had to be enough for a long time ”, he assured.
S. Skvernel also emphasized that the current government tends to take the laurels undeservedly from previous government decisions to purchase vaccines.

“Finally, vaccines communicate: see how we did it wisely, diversified our risks and chose manufacturers. It was we (the previous government – ELTA) who chose those manufacturers, then we took our own risk by accepting many more vaccines than the country would probably need to vaccinate 5 times and certainly not like other countries that chose (vaccination strategy – ELTA) specific manufacturers and now you have a big problem, ”he said.

In addition, the opposition leader highlighted the delays in the decisions of the rulers to open certain activities restricted by quarantine.

“Late decisions are also sometimes disreputable. When it was the first warm weekend, we all realized that it was much safer to allow outdoor cafes to open according to security requirements (…) They have to gather these people in squares and streets and do the same in an uncontrolled way, ”he said.

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