The government proposed to extend the quarantine until June, graduates will be able to return to school from May 3


Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said longer-term proposals will be tabled at Wednesday’s meeting and approved at Thursday’s government meeting.

“It is proposed to establish certain reliefs for people who have immunity,” Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys said at the meeting.

According to the BNS, the decree also introduces a condition that people with a full illness or vaccination document may be subject to more lenient conditions: they can meet in groups of up to 10 people, visit patients in hospitals, go on excursions, participate. in celebrations.

It is proposed to the government to allow two families to communicate.

SAM also proposes to change the procedure so that it is possible to periodically change the quarantine regime in certain municipalities depending on the incidence in them.

Graduates will return to schools in May

The government agreed that graduates will be able to return to schools from May 3.

BNS Announces Also Planned To Allow Twice As Large Groups Of Graduates To Come For Contact Consultations; Instead of the 5 people currently determined, 10 graduates could consult together with the professors, the requirements and the maturity exams have been established.

“We had many discussions with the members of the gym association, the unions and the student union, we decided to offer the graduates to return to contact education from May 3, combining daily education with distance education. ”Said the Minister of Education, Science and Sport Jurgita Šiugždinienė quoted by BNS.

According to J.Šiugždinienė, there could be about half of the face-to-face lessons, graduates will be “highly recommended” for rapid antigen testing before returning.

According to the ministry, the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is 45% vaccinated. graduates and their number is increasing, about 60 percent have been vaccinated. their teachers.

BNS announces that later in the press conference, the Prime Minister also hinted that the Government is not yet considering resuming contact education for students in grades 5-8, although it is receiving such proposals.

“There have been proposals of this type by the municipal association this Monday, but so far the government has not made that decision,” he said.

According to the prime minister, the government gives priority to high school beginners and graduates, but when they return, some municipalities face an extremely high administrative burden.

VIDEO: From the government: It is proposed to extend the quarantine until June, supermarkets could open their doors on Monday

“Now some municipalities, the ones that apply cumulative tests, really work hard to open as many schools as possible, adding graduates, the administration of that work will increase a lot. We don’t want to do it all in one step, “he said.
