SAM: Vaccinated people can also get infected and spread the coronavirus, so it is important


The vaccine helps the immune system recognize and destroy the coronavirus, preventing the onset of symptomatic disease and, if it occurs, preventing it from progressing to serious illness and death. However, the vaccine may not elicit a sufficiently effective mucosal immune response. As a result, once the virus enters the airways, it can multiply and spread for some time and endanger others.

“Vaccinated people are still at risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 and spreading the virus for a short time. This probability is significantly lower, but remains. Therefore, even vaccinated people, especially in contact with unvaccinated people with higher risk, they should take protective measures and wear masks, ”says Marius Strioga, an oncologist and doctor of biomedical sciences at the National Cancer Institute.

According to the doctor, the effect of vaccination will be felt by the public when the majority of the population is vaccinated.

“Once a large part of the public is vaccinated and a broader immunity is acquired, the continued risk of becoming asymptomatic (that is, being a silent carrier of the virus) and spreading the virus briefly will have less and less impact on society. However, until today, when less than a fifth of the population has been vaccinated, even vaccinated people must take all precautions to avoid potentially infecting those who are susceptible and do not have immune protection ”, warns the immunologist.

The Ministry recalls that fully vaccinated people are exempt from testing and isolation upon arrival from abroad, and that the National Center for Public Health may decide not to isolate people after high-risk exposure to COVID-19.

However, vaccinated individuals are subject to all other quarantine requirements, including wearing masks, keeping distance, hand hygiene, etc.
