Coronavirus crisis: key news from Thursday


Spread of the virus. Six new cases of coronavirus were confirmed daily. A long-distance driver returning from Russia, two people associated with the fireplace at Santara’s clinics, an employee of the Šalčininkai sewing company and two employees of a Vilnius company were infected. The hospital treats 24 infected people, one of them on resuscitation.

Gender equality during a pandemic. Experts on gender equality point out that women dominate in the sectors most affected by the pandemic and the quarantine it has issued. According to them, the quarantine has exacerbated the problems of domestic violence, and the persistence of economic insecurity can complicate the decision of women to leave a violent relationship.

President’s assessment. In his annual report, President Gitanas Nausėda thanked the Lithuanian people for their responsibility and discipline during the quarantine. He said the coronavirus situation highlighted who tends to work and solve problems and who “seeks instant glory and measures the laurel wreath.” According to the president, the virus was transmitted by specialists, the public and companies had the opportunity to test its values ​​and flexibility. Flexibility and efficiency, according to the president, were also verified by politicians and state institutions, but not everything went as they wanted.


  • A new case of coronavirus was detected in Estonia, four in Latvia and 625 in Belarus.
  • The head of Russia’s Federal Health Service said a total of 489 positively diagnosed coronavirus doctors had died in the country. However, the service later stated that these statistics were not official.
  • The World Health Organization decided to suspend testing for hydroxychloroquine as a possible drug in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 because it has been found not to reduce mortality.
  • In West Germany, more than 650 workers in a large meat factory have been infected with the coronavirus, for fear of a further increase in the number of infected.
  • Nursultan Nazarbayev, 79, a former president of Kazakhstan and the “official leader of the nation”, is reported to have been infected with the coronavirus.
  • Italy has announced plans to provide up to € 500 for people with lower incomes, which they can use to pay for holidays in their home country, whose tourism has been hit by the pandemic.
  • The AFP news agency reports that the pandemic has led people to return to disposable plastic products that are being phased out worldwide due to environmental damage.

Important news not related to the coronavirus.

  • In evaluating the president’s first annual report, experts praised him for his clearly emphasized values, themes, and goals, but noted that he did not disclose the president’s own actions to achieve them. In it, economists lacked messages to the public about improving the situation and focus on the overall economy. After G. Nausėda embarrassingly said about the political responsibility cartel “all the way through,” opposition conservative leader Gabrielius Landsbergis called it one of the highlights of the report, and ruling leader Ramūnas Karbauskis said no he understood what the president wanted to say.
  • The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry protested to the representative of the Russian Embassy about attempts to rehabilitate the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and its secret protocols. Latvia and Estonia also voiced such a protest in coordination with Lithuania.
