Klaipeda no longer wants the promises of the ministry: buys a vaccination registration system


The situation in the port city of COVID-19 is currently described as not bad. There are 184 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, while at that time in Lithuania this indicator reached 452 cases. 15.6 percent were vaccinated in Klaipeda. population. In the first dose, about 23 thousand people, and in the second, more than 8 thousand people.

Last weekend, the port city authorities offered vaccines to small merchants to vaccinate against unused AstraZeneca vaccines, which are avoided by older people. Approximately 400 merchants took advantage of this promotion. The remains have also been offered to companies of more than a hundred people who have owned fireplaces in the last two months. However, it was noted that up to 40% of AstraZeneca companies wanted to be vaccinated. workers.

I waited in a live queue

Older people want a “better” vaccine, so on Tuesday several hundred people wanted the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. In the absence of a centralized registry, older people waited in line. In the presence of about 5 degrees of heat and humid air, it had to stand for a couple of hours. The elders were outraged that it was inhuman and there were people in wheelchairs waiting in line.

There was a heated debate in the Municipal Commission for Health and Social Affairs.

“How is the preparation for mass vaccination going? How do you assess the current situation where several hundred people are outside? I am attacked by elderly people, I cannot help, they send me photos of how 200 elderly people are queuing, ”said Councilor Vaida Raugelė. She is convinced that the problem will only get worse with the introduction of mass vaccination, so she called for the problem to be addressed.

Klaipėda City Chief Medical Officer Rožė Perminienė informed committee members that the city will soon have a registration system.

“The decision has been made at the Municipal Emergency Operations Center that we do not wait any longer and we no longer believe in the promises of the Ministry of Health that there will be a centralized registration system for people who want to be vaccinated. The final decision has been made to buy this program and not wait, as Vilnius and Kaunas did. Although the ministry says that after a week or two, but said a good half a year, although it says it will be good, effective, but we no longer believe in its promises, the decision was made to buy this program. If the purchase goes smoothly, we plan to do it in four days, the program should be implemented next week, ”announced R. Perminienė. Although the date of the mass vaccination has not yet been announced, according to R. Perminienė, the date has been reported to the Ministry: June 1.

Commenting on the problem of long-lived queues at the vaccination center, ch. the doctor said that a day had been announced when all people over 65 who wanted to could get vaccinated at both vaccination centers

“If in today’s case, there is what is – around the folds and benches, the bodies asked to prepare seats, but they went as far as they went, they will all be accepted. I would like to point out that both in Vilnius and Kaunas, even with the registration system, there is a queue. Unfortunately, the facilities cannot accommodate everyone, we have to keep our distances. When the campaign days are over, if you get stuck, you will have to wait, “said R. Perminienė.

See no need to resent

As the head of the Klaipeda city polyclinic said. Dr. Loreta Venckienė, the planned vaccination continues on Wednesday, the so-called actions will no longer exist.

“How resentful it can be – whoever was invited was invited. If he saw that it was his turn, he couldn’t wait, he couldn’t wait. We gave that opportunity and vaccinated 672 older adults, a relatively large number,” said the chief doctor.

According to the woman, the weather was not bad and the seven doctors working were turning as fast as they could. The biggest hurdle is document management.

A total of 1,054 older adults were vaccinated yesterday at both vaccination centers.

You will benefit from the experience of other cities.

How 15 minutes said Gintaras Neniškis, director of the Klaipėda municipal administration, to expedite the registrations in the port city, it was decided not to wait for the centralized system, which is still being tested and these tests are not successful.

“Currently, the call log is an Excel program, which is too time consuming. The following decision has been made to save human resources and better manage queues. Experience shows that it is not resolved at all, there are those who do not follow The queues do not come at that time, but it will be easier to manage the queues, it is convenient to speed up the vaccination. Everything we obtain is grafted, but in perspective, there will be more and more vaccines, we will move to a specialized place, we only need to have everything, – said G. Neniškis – Of course, it is better not to pay the municipality, to “run” the system centrally, but it is as it is. The numbers are growing, the flows are growing, those charges are growing. The situation is really difficult, what are you going to do? “

Vilnius and Kaunas already use the registration system.

J. Andriejauskaitės / 15min nuotr./Gintaras Neniškis

J. Andriejauskaitės / 15min nuotr./Gintaras Neniškis

Lack of premises

Another problem in the port city is the lack of large facilities to vaccinate large numbers of people. The premises must also meet the requirements of the health system.

“I would like to point out that many people are joining this day and volunteering to offer help. We received suggestions from private business institutions, various businessmen, politicians who volunteered to help with the vaccination process for free, created Facebooke group “Vaccination in Klaipeda”, a lot of information will be made public, questions will be answered. That advertising will be expanded, broader and more effective. We are moving forward with this type of work, ”said R. Perminienė.

Klaipeda Municipality Deputy Mayor Arvydas Cesiulis also emphasized that there is a significant local problem in the port city.

“We are going to walk around the city for a few weeks, we are trying to analyze a larger area, it is neither adequate nor adequate, we have the type of premises that we have. We had planned to get vaccinated at the castle site, we estimate, no more than 10 cabins. Too little of this scale, at least 30-40 seats would be needed. You can’t imagine how much it costs, ”said the deputy mayor, who mentioned that alternatives have been found and that they would need the approval of health representatives.

The city was considering vaccination in outdoor tents, in schools. They wanted to rent an arena, but the fee was a big surprise.

Major: Processes are managed

Klaipeda Mayor Vytautas Grubliauskas also stresses that yesterday’s live virus vaccination is not routine. This principle has been applied several times.

“Regarding the prospects, everyone is interested in how Klaipeda welcomes mass vaccination. Appointed on June 1, but we do not pretend to be tied to the date, we think that the entire infrastructure should be ready for this sooner” said the mayor.

At a press conference on Wednesday, the mayor also spoke about the complicated search for premises that took place for a short time. The requirements are “quite insignificant”, so according to the mayor, the suitability of the sites for the vaccination center is evaluated by providing a wide range of parameters when inspecting all potential sites. One of the previously tentatively named places is the Klaipėda Castle site conference room. This place seems to have left no room for doubt, but the square meters are not enough to vaccinate a large number of people. The representatives also appreciated other places: the Fishermen’s Palace of Culture, the stadium, which has a hall, the Athletics Manege and the construction of the Football School on Komunos street in Paris. Taking all the circumstances into account, two options have so far been considered: Lighthouse Arena and LCC University. It remains to be decided which of them will become the vaccination center.

This space would be used for a short time.

“We are talking for at least 2-3 months, and maybe more,” the mayor said. The final decision will be made by the administration after evaluating the proposals. Ventilation, sanitary facilities, and other criteria are evaluated.

“Nobody is late, nobody has slept. We work in real time, managing real processes”, emphasized V. Grubliauskas.

He also stressed that if they no longer expect “gifts” from the central government, the city will have its own registration system. It is expected to be operational by the end of next week.

When asked if he would not get the demons, V. Grubliauskas rhetorically asked why?

“What the hell? On initiative? This is not the blink of an eye. It is the desire to have all the ammunition early to begin a mass vaccination and to know that it is ready before the vaccine is given. The practice of the we talked about earlier and the story of keeping promises inspires an independent decision. It costs more, but start exercising now without waiting for grace. You need to work every day. “There are many burdens on people who do it in an archaic way.” said the mayor.
