System tested: in Denmark, almost 100,000 people were vaccinated per day. population


It is true that, at least according to preliminary data, the vaccine doses on Monday received 93 thousand. people, but it is likely that when all the information is collected, the number will exceed the set goal.

In any case, the figure is impressive: in Denmark, it is now said more boldly that the mass vaccinations scheduled for May, June and July should work without problems.

The vaccinations were carried out at 68 special centers across the country on Monday. The big day of vaccination is considered successful, although there are also problems: traffic jams and parking, jams in computer systems.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / On Monday, almost 100,000 people were vaccinated against the coronavirus in Denmark.  people

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / On Monday, almost 100,000 people were vaccinated against the coronavirus in Denmark. people

Doctors fight all day, which means that now in Denmark at least one vaccine against COVID-19 has already received 16.7%. population. 7.9 percent people have already been fully vaccinated, with the country receiving more cheers on Tuesday and the news that the number of recorded infections per day dropped to 514.

5.8 million people live in Denmark. people, so the number of infections is really small. Experts now argue that there may not be a new wave of pandemics that were feared after the announcement of a partial easing of restrictions after Easter.

Arriving too early is a problem

“There are areas in which we must work better. We need to improve the conditions for entering and leaving the vaccination center, the whole logistics process, little IT problems, ”said Stephanie Lose, spokesperson for the Danish regions.

According to her, the biggest concern was “Danish punctuality”.

Unlike, for example, in southern Europe, the Danes not only try not to be late, they also tend to go to meetings or assigned procedures too early: to the dentist, to the holiday lunch, to pick up the child from Birthday Party. .

“When we vaccinate 35 thousand people on one day in January. people, we understood the importance of logistics. But we also realized that everyone arrives too early. In most cases, this is not bad, but queues can happen, “said SS

However, the process itself was simple: “There were queues, traffic problems. But we get along with everything. “

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, who visited the Roskilde Congress Center, where vaccinations are taking place, was also pleased.

“Reuters” / “Scanpix” nuotr./Mette Frederiksen

“It is a public holiday – to vaccinate 100,000. Danish. The last time we vaccinated many people, we vaccinated mainly the elderly, and today we can see how far we have come.

Today we are vaccinating for 70 years, which means the day is coming when we will vaccinate enough people and we will be able to open Denmark completely, ”said the head of government.

Doses will increase significantly

Experts call Monday’s vaccination campaign an engine power test as Denmark prepares to complete the public vaccination by July 25.

“This stress test is the beginning of the turbo mode. We hope to reach a situation very soon where all those who may need medical help when infected with the coronavirus are vaccinated,” said Søren Riis Paludan, professor at Aarhus University. .

Denmark has vaccinated up to 93 percent. Population aged 80 and over, when, for example, Lithuania – only 41 percent.

Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke added to Twitter: “We are conducting tests in preparation for the next few weeks, when vaccine delivery plans show that we will receive larger batches.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / On Monday, almost 100,000 people were vaccinated against the coronavirus in Denmark.  people

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / On Monday, almost 100,000 people were vaccinated against the coronavirus in Denmark. people

What does the schedule show? Although it includes plans to receive doses of AstraZeneca that are not currently vaccinated, it appears that Denmark will receive 250,000 per week in the second half of April. doses of vaccines from all manufacturers.

In May, the number is expected to rise to 400,000. doses per week, in June – up to 800 thousand. doses per week, and in July – up to 1.3 million. doses per week.

Denmark is estimated to need 6 million. doses to vaccinate 3 million. people under 65 years of age who are not chronically ill and who are not on the front lines of the pandemic.

These latter groups are already being vaccinated. Denmark has vaccinated up to 93 percent. Population aged 80 and over, when, for example, Lithuania – only 41 percent. It is true that only 31.3 percent received vaccinations. Danish 70-79 years old and 46 percent. Lithuanian population belonging to this age group.
