“Pilvaskaudis” ended with the delivery: the doctors did not even imagine that they would witness the miracle of the birth


In responding to the seemingly ordinary abdominal pain call, the Kaunas district GMPS doctors did not imagine that they would become witnesses and participants in the miracle of the birth.

Most of us don’t know, but we can imagine what an ambulance doctor’s workday is like. Suppose a baker knows that a mixture of flour, sugar and water in the evening will turn into a certain amount of hot buns in the morning to go to the breakfast tables of the townspeople. At that moment, the ambulance doctors start and end the work with uncertainty about when and where they will finish, what they will see when they go. People rushing to the rescue, saving lives, measuring their time differently.

For example, a GMPS shift team from the Kaunas district counted, covering nearly half a thousand kilometers on Easter morning, saving twelve lives.

“It just came to our notice then. Relatives revived, we took over when we arrived. A sinus rhythm had occurred, but then the heart stopped again and we no longer revived. The resuscitation team came to the rescue, but we failed … ”, The tension and adrenaline, according to the doctors, did not stop the work.

As we hurried home, we ran into a woman who said the water had just run out and it looked like contractions had started.

In Paris, the brigade received another call: it injured the woman’s abdomen. Doctors joked that when they heard the description of the health disorder, they left as a common “abdomen”. Perhaps due to poisoning, perhaps due to foreign body, perhaps due to inflammation from worm growth. Neither of them realized that the true cause of the pain was completely different.

“It was not until I arrived that I saw that the word ‘third trimester’ was written, but about childbirth, not a word. A quick step towards the house, we walked because we had not found the door yet. Then a man greeted us. we rushed home, we found a woman who said the water had just run out and it looked like contractions had started. She said this is the fourth birth and the process is pretty quick. “Mantas Giedraitis, a GMPS doctor from the Kaunas district, he realized that the crew would not go until the latter.

Associative photo from freepik.com.

The constipation became more frequent, the pain became stronger. After assessing the situation and the patient’s condition, M. Giedraitis requested reinforcements and decided to accept the delivery at home.

“Quickly when the necessary tools were ready, when help was provided, the newborn’s head was seen, a little tug behind the baby’s armpit, the shoulders were born and a beautiful child came into this world. After sucking his mouth, the boy started screaming, we were all happy. We clean the baby and deliver it to the mother on the breast. I cut my father’s hair, ”said the doctor, who until now could not forget the miracle of the birth.

Soon, the same ambulance team came to the rescue, and when they saw Manta and his colleague Viktoras, they offered to go to church; the days when the pain of loss is replaced by the joy of birth are rare.

Although it was not possible to contact the mother, the portal kauno.diena.lt found that the woman and her newborn are feeling very well. The two of them had already returned home.

“When I’m done, I want to thank Viktor for his help. Although he’s only been at our service for a few months, he’s really great. He didn’t get lost, he professionally assisted in delivering the delivery. As he mentioned, he really found his favorite work,” M joked. Giedraitis, who shared his impressions, saying that the day was a good baptism for his colleague.
