Kaunas Vaccination Center braces for post-Easter storm: thousands of new registrations have been opened


According to Tomas Jarusevičius, public relations advisor to the mayor of Kaunas, the Kaunas vaccination center immediately after St. A large influx of patients is anticipated for Easter: in addition to the elderly in the age group over 65 years , people with chronic diseases, as well as teachers, professors and high school graduates, can register online independently or with the help of relatives.

With the help of e-health data supervised by the Kaunas City Polyclinic and the Registry Center, information on people with chronic diseases has already been brought to the digital platform, thus the possibility of individual registration for vaccines it should now be available to more than 100,000 people. Kaunas. Many of them received SMS messages on Saturday and will be invited to come to the vaccination center at Kaunas Ice Palace in the coming days.

Residents are encouraged to hurry up to verify their ID codes and to register by Monday afternoon. This would allow them to get vaccinated on Tuesday or Wednesday. If not all currently available free registrations are used, they will be offered to other patients in the priority groups according to the lists, so late arrivals will have to wait their turn.

“Seeing the success with which the Kaunas City Polyclinic doctors have been vaccinating Kaunas residents at the vaccination center so far, I think everyone will agree that it would be unfair for these people to also work in days holidays. They especially deserve the rest and the opportunity to stay with their loved ones at least during Easter. I am sure that at this time we will easily use the amount of vaccines allocated to the city of Kaunas during the remaining working days, ”said the mayor of Kaunas, Visvaldas Matijošaitis.

S t. On Easter Eve, nearly 6,000 people were vaccinated in Kaunas in two days. persons. After the holidays, Kaunas residents are expected to be even more active.

The order of priorities approved by order of the Minister of Health contains an extensive list of chronic diseases in which people have priority for COVID-19 vaccination. Complicated diabetes, bronchial asthma and other chronic lung diseases with respiratory failure, oncological, cardiovascular, liver diseases, as well as second and third degree obesity, most diseases of the nervous and muscular system are just some of the listed health disorders in priority. ranges. Recipients awaiting an organ or tissue transplant are also included.

“It may sound curious enough, but we’ve already come across cases where Kaunas residents were very surprised to receive an invitation to register for vaccinations. It turns out that for a while, people no longer feel symptoms and just forget about it. old health problems, but the records in their medical records confirm the chronic disease they have. And this means that they have the full right to receive vaccines in order of priority, “says Paulius Kibiša, director of the Kaunas City Polyclinic.

In turn, 18-year-old teachers, professors and graduates who have decided to get vaccinated but have not attended the vaccination center for one reason or another are also invited to register. Their data is stored in the system so they can be vaccinated again at any time.

However, if the registration is not completed successfully until the last step, according to experts, it may mean that universities, schools or other institutions have not yet submitted lists of their staff and students. In this case, it is suggested that you contact the administration of your institution and wait until the data in the system is updated immediately.

Chronically ill patients are advised to consult their family physicians in the face of obstacles.

Representatives of the Kaunas City Polyclinic also invite employees of all private healthcare institutions operating in Kaunas to care for their patients, providing them with detailed information on the possibility of vaccination in an order of priority.
