Media: Personal data and phone numbers of 533 million Facebook users were leaked


Based on information posted on the forum, data from 220,160 Lithuanian users may have also been leaked.

The addresses of the telephone profiles, telephone numbers, names and surnames, dates of birth and part of the emails were published in the forum. emails.

News portal Business Insider says its representatives verified multiple records of the leaked data, and it matches data from Facebook users they know.

According to Alon Gal, Chief of Cybercrime Intelligence at Hudson Rock, USA, “Leaked personal data can become valuable information for cybercriminals who use and pretend to use personal data or fraudulently extract your credentials.”

Gal said Saturday that he noticed a lot of data leaked from Facebook on the forum.

“A database of personal information the size of the phone numbers of many Facebook users would certainly be an incentive for malicious people to use the data to carry out social engineering attacks or hackers,” Gal said.

Representatives for the site have yet to respond to requests for comment on the incident.

A. Galas first encountered the leaked data in January this year: in the same hacking forum, one of its members announced an automated program (bot) that could provide hundreds of millions of Facebook users’ phone numbers for a rate.

At that time, evidence of the existence of this program was provided and the data was confirmed to be correct.

And now all the data on the hacker forum has been posted for free, making it widely available and accessible to anyone with at least minimal skills.

This is not the first time that a large number of Facebook users’ phone numbers have been made public on the Internet. In 2019, when a loophole was found in Facebook’s security settings, the phone numbers of millions of people were scanned.

Dirt announced that this security vulnerability was closed in 2019 in August.

The scandal also broke out in 2016, during the US presidential election, when Cambridge Analytica, a company involved in Trump’s election campaign, gained access to some $ 50 million. Personal data of Facebook users without their knowledge.

Later, Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg publicly apologized to users of this social website, promising to review the rules for sharing user data and take other measures to strengthen privacy and security.

According to Galo, from a security point of view, Facebook can no longer help affected users, as their data is already readily available online. True, he said that Facebook could warn users to be vigilant to protect themselves against potential phishing or fraudulent use of their personal data.

“People who register with a reputable company like Facebook trust you with their data, so Facebook should treat that data with the utmost respect.

Leakage of consumer personal information is a major breach of trust and must be dealt with accordingly, ”said Gal. forum information about Facebook user data leak from Lithuania forum information about Facebook user data leakage from Lithuania

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