the personal data of 533 million Facebook users is distributed free of charge


The data reveals the personal information of more than 533 million Facebook users from 106 countries, including more than 32 million US users, 11 million UK users and 6 million Indian users. The data package includes phone numbers, Facebook IDs, names, dates of birth, dates of birth, biographies, and in some cases email addresses.

The leaked data could provide valuable information to cybercriminals who use people’s personal information to impersonate them or fraudulently attempt to obtain login information, said Alon Galas, director of cybercrime intelligence firm Hudson Rock. , who was the first to discover the data this Saturday.

“A database of this size with private information, such as the phone numbers of many Facebook users, would undoubtedly encourage criminals to use the data during social engineering attacks. [arba] trying to get in, “said A. Galas.

Facebook 5 pm No comments have been made in Lithuanian time.

An example of data hijacked by Facebook in the same forum was first noticed in January of this year; only then did the automated system request a payment for providing information. All data is now provided free of charge and available to anyone with basic data knowledge, reports Business Insider.

From the screenshots provided, it is mentioned that the published database contains data from 220,160 users

This is not the first time that a large number of Facebook users’ phone numbers have been discovered online. 2019 The vulnerability revealed made it possible to retrieve the phone numbers of millions of people from Facebook servers in violation of the Terms of Service. Facebook said the security hole was filled in 2019 in August.

After Cambridge Analytica hijacked data from 80 million users in violation of Facebook’s terms of service, Facebook vowed to abandon massive data collection.

Gal says that in terms of security, Facebook now cannot do much to help affected users, because their data is already open. However, he added that Facebook could inform users to be on the lookout for possible fraud schemes or fraudulent use of their personal data.

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