Animals help Laima Tamulyte-Stonče to raise her daughter: they taught her to lie on her stomach | Names


“It just came to our attention then. As I say, a cat, anyway, has claws, those claws are sharp. And a child, when he does not feel, is sweet, beautiful jam.”

However, Alaska and Utah welcomed Emilia. They even began to drag prey into the house: hunted mice, woodpeckers, birds. Well, lest the family go hungry. “Apparently they think they probably won’t eat anything,” Laima laughs.

Photo by LNK / Laima Tamulytė-Stončė

Photo by LNK / Laima Tamulytė-Stončė

Just as cats love Laima and her family, the family also loves pets. And how to love animals, the singer and presenter really knows. There was no time in a woman’s life to prevent an animal from running or crawling nearby. It is a hamster, it is a rabbit, it is a Saint Bernard dog or a fish.

The fish aquarium is supervised by her husband Gediminas, and the fish, as they say, do not get into debt, they help raise Emilia.

Photo by LNK / Laima Tamulytė-Stončė's cats

Photo by LNK / Laima Tamulytė-Stončė’s cats

“I realized that, say, Emilia, she was paying attention to those fish, so I started her ‘monyt’, laying on my stomach like this. I put it on the development table, I put it upside down and she looks at those fish. And that’s how we learned to lie face down. “

But why did Laima Tamulytė’s cats start bringing a gentleman home one day? The report from his home can be seen on Saturday night on LNK’s “Animal World.”
