“We learned to lie face down like this”


“It just came to our attention then. As I say, a cat, anyway, has claws, those claws are sharp. And a child, when he does not feel, is sweet, beautiful jam.”

However, Alaska and Utah welcomed Emilia. They even began to drag prey into the house: hunted mice, woodpeckers, birds. Well, lest the family be left hungry.

“Apparently they think they probably won’t eat anything,” Laima laughs.

Just as cats love Laima and her family, the family also loves pets. And how to love animals, the singer and presenter really knows.

There was no time in a woman’s life when no animal ran or crawled nearby. It is a hamster, it is a rabbit, it is a Saint Bernard dog or a fish.

The fish aquarium is supervised by her husband Gediminas, and the fish, as they say, do not get into debt, they help raise Emilia.

“I realized that, say, Emilia, I was paying attention to those fish, so I started her ‘monyt’, lying on my stomach like this. I put it on the development table, I turn it upside down and look at those fish. And so on. we learned to lie face down. “

But why did Laima Tamulytė’s cats start taking a gentleman home one day? About it already this Saturday at 5:55 pm. LNK fairy tale animal lifestyle show – “Animal World” with Paulius Kaupelis.
