The requirements for kindergartens are changing today: what do you need to know?


The requirement that non-formal education activities for children be carried out in accordance with the principle of group isolation remains valid. Children should participate in the same group activities on a regular basis, trying to avoid contact between different groups. Contact with strangers should also be avoided. If this is not possible, it is advisable to limit the communication time. The same requirements apply to preschool and preschool groups. Preschool educators, preschool educators must work in a single group on the same day.

In preschool and preschool groups, it is necessary to ensure that there are no joint activities for several groups of children. If there are common areas in the establishment, such as physical education, music rooms, etc., they should be ventilated and cleaned after each group has been used.

It is recommended that personnel who carry out or work in non-formal early childhood education programs in summer camps for children wear nasal and oral protection in the facilities: masks, respirators, etc. The same recommendation to wear face masks or other means holds for parents or others accompanying children to kindergartens or preschool groups, as well as staff who receive incoming children.

At the place where non-formal education services are provided for children, conditions must be created for the hygiene of the hands of children and staff: hot and cold water, liquid soap and disposable towels must be provided. If the children are older, help is also provided for hand disinfection.

If children are fed, it is better to feed them in the same facilities where the activities take place. If this is not possible and is only eaten in shared dining rooms, only children in the same group should sit at a dining table, and a distance of 2 meters between children seated at different tables should be guaranteed. Buffet meals cannot be arranged, where children prepare their own meals. After each meal, the common catering room should be ventilated and cleaned.

If the consultations for the preschool and preschool programs are organized by educational support specialists, they must be individual or work only with children from the same group at the same time. Physical contact should be avoided during counseling. After each consultation, facilities should be ventilated, frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned.

Sinks and other sanitary facilities used by various groups of children should be disinfected each time a child uses them. This provision applies to preschool and preschool education organizers.

Facilities containing children must be ventilated before children arrive and at least twice a day.

Children with fever and respiratory illnesses are not admitted to camps, non-formal education activities, or kindergartens. If a child becomes ill while attending kindergarten or classes, they should be isolated immediately and a coronavirus hotline should be consulted, tel. 1808 on new measures.

It is advised that the health of workers be regularly monitored. They should be able to measure body temperature only when they get to work. If the worker’s administration has received information from the worker on the COVID-19 disease, it must inform the National Center for Public Health, cooperate in the identification of exposed persons and apply 14 days of isolation.


Detailed and professional answers to many of your questions can be found in the Education section each week.

If you have questions about children’s education and upbringing, if you have problems in an educational institution and cannot find an answer, you can ask questions of early childhood professionals.

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