Tatiana and Krzysztof Lavrinovich celebrate the wedding anniversary: ​​a strict rule helps to overcome difficulties in relationships


The spouses exchanged gold rings on June 16, 2006, assuming that 14 years or 14 days have passed.

“It is a special day for us, we celebrate it every year. This time we organize dinner, we try a cake, we get flowers”, the interlocutor is happy.

Krzysztof and Tatiana Lavrinovich

Krzysztof and Tatiana Lavrinovich

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“At first, when we were married for one, two, or even five years, we thought it was a long time. But now that fourteen years had passed, we had only noticed how quickly time was running out. We didn’t even feel it, we even wanted stop him, “laughed T. Lavrinovič, who brought the crown of” Miss World 2018 “to Lithuania.

The woman married the basketball player at the age of 21. The interlocutor does not deny that both she and her lover were hot at that moment, but time put everything in its place.

“We used to be hot, and now we understand each other in the middle of the word. Sometimes, even movement, mime or gaze are enough if something is not right. Similarly, we support each other if we see that everything is fine, that we are moving in the right direction. ” Delphi he says to the basketball player’s wife.

Lately, the country’s entertainment business seems to have heard more about the divorce news than the secrets of a happy marriage. Tatiana does not hide that maintaining a successful long-term relationship requires a lot of effort, so she is no exception to Krishof.

“We have eyes and ears, so we have seen and heard about divorce from famous people, it is clearly very unfortunate.” It is a shame when couples decide not to live together anymore. For us Krzysztof, the realization that we would live “long and happily” was immediate. We both agree that the family is unique, but we understand that maintaining it is a huge job.

Krzysztof Lavrinovich with his wife Tatiana

Krzysztof Lavrinovich with his wife Tatiana

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

It is important to remember to follow your head so that no tears fall later. There is not a single culprit in a couple because the relationship is built by two people. For example, there is a serious rule in our relationship: If you want the other person to behave in some way, you must give an example. A person treats you the same way you treat him. All life works on the principle of the boomerang. If you made a mistake, wait for the consequences. We are adults, we need to analyze our lives and draw conclusions from it. I’m not just talking about relationships, it’s about everything in general. This rule applies everywhere, “says the interlocutor.

“Of course, we also have everything, but there was definitely no talk of divorce,” he adds.

It turns out that Lavrinovich also applies the rule “Treat others as you would like to be treated” in the education of children.

“One of the examples is when we go out with the family somewhere. If Dad spends more time with fans, he takes pictures with various people and the family is waiting, the children are jealous and are not afraid to talk about it. They are not afraid to say that if that time is destined to be with the family, it must be. Of course, when a person asks to be photographed, everything is fine, but when everything is online … And Krzysztof is a very good person and cannot say no. It should be limited a bit, especially since the man always has time for fans after the competition, ”says the woman.

It is true that Tatiana emphasizes that the attention of the fans is generally very pleasant and welcome. He often has fun talking to strangers too, but sometimes he just wants peace and mindfulness only for his loved ones.

Krzysztof Lavrinovich with his wife Tatiana and their children.

Krzysztof Lavrinovich with his wife Tatiana and their children.

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“After the competitions or any event, we stand with the kids and wait for Dad. We understand that people want to be around, ask for an autograph, take a picture. We’ve been standing for an hour for that too, but everything is fine because it is a job. However, when there is a time with the family, as the children have said, it must be for her “, she smiles.

When asked if she had ever resented advertising because she had chosen to build a life with a well-known basketball player, Tatiana assured her that she wasn’t thinking too much about her marriage or now.

“I never thought about it. At first there was no discomfort because I didn’t understand Lithuanian, but then it became absolutely irrelevant. Especially when we talk about people gossiping out of anger or jealousy. If that makes it easier for you, let them. I prefer to focus on those who are Happy, welcome. There were and will be all kinds of people, that’s life. You won’t do anything, it’s true, we don’t want to do anything about it, we just don’t pay attention to it, “says the mother of three children.

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