During 13 weeks of quarantine: 13 criminals who shook and confused Lithuania


Inform the public every day about crimes, disasters, and ways to avoid them. 15 minutes journalists became chroniclers of a specific quarantine criminal chronicle.

At the end of the devil’s twelve week quarantine week, 15 minutes It recalls 13 events, phenomena, trends that clouded the seriousness of the society that fought the pandemic, reduced the feeling of security of the population and became challenges for law enforcement.

The platinum virus, resisted by the police, arose from the doctors.

Just the first day of quarantine, March 16, 15 minutes He told the story of an embolus who returned from France and was furious that he wanted to commit suicide, but The police were greeted with a knife.

That Monday, an alarmed citizen approached BPC saying that his friend wanted to commit suicide. The speaker hinted that the man had recently returned from France and had a fever.

The arriving officers and doctors persuaded the man to let them in wonderfully, but the owner did not open the door. Concerned about the man’s life, officials decided to break down the door. The man encountered police with a knife, but was unarmed, handcuffed, and turned over to doctors.

In the initial quarantine phase, on April 7, a coronavirus-tested woman escaped from Santara’s clinics. Vilna’s wife was later confirmed to be truly ill. During her stroke, she posed not only a danger to herself, but also to those around her: the patient traveled home throughout Vilnius to the Vilkpėdė district by public transport. The suspect is relatively fast. was arrested, brought to her criminal proceedings.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Infectious Disease Clinic of Hospital Santara

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Infectious Disease Clinic of Hospital Santara

A little earlier, on April 2, a criminal case was also filed in the Klaipeda district for violating the self-isolation. Residents of an apartment building in the Klaipeda district reported infected with the virus a woman who, knowing that she is ill, still leaves home. Officers who arrived found a woman carrying a dog outside. He wore a mask but did not wear gloves.

Another similar story when the police had to catch A woman who escaped from Santara’s clinics with a daughter suspected of coronavirus was registered in mid-March, the weekend just before quarantine. Although this Zarasai district family was later confirmed to be healthy, that irresponsible behavior by some members of society was only a confirmation that without strict quarantine restrictions, guaranteeing the health of the population is not possible.

A policeman was killed by a bullet.

May 29 In the morning, Saulius Žymantas, a Telšiai County LSC official, called the Stasys Bras house together with his colleague.

We will spend the night at home in the village of Birbiliškės (Mažeikiai District). This man threatened his wife, but left before the police arrived. Therefore, in the morning a team of officers came to check, perhaps to find Brass at home.

He did not open the door for his well-known policeman S. Zymantas, and after a brief conversation he started shooting.

Police File Photo / Saulius Žymantas with four attendees at the Grant Cynologist Competition in 2017 had won second place

Police File Photo / Saulius Žymantas with four attendees at the Grant Cynologist Competition in 2017 had won second place

Without a bulletproof vest, the former police officer was killed on the spot and his partner was injured in the leg.

Bras set fire to the house after the shooting. Initially it was thought that he could have escaped into the forest, so enormous forces were launched in search of him. But a few hours later, his body was found in a burned house.

S. Žymantas, who died during his service, was one of the best cynologists in the country, having faithfully served in the police for almost two decades.

Crimes are like mafia times

The public was intimidated by the events of May 18.who remembered the times of the mafia. The crash was simulated in the middle of the day, and the attackers who pulled the driver out of the luxurious Jaguar not only brutally beat him, robbed him, but also fired him.

At a press conference held a few days later, the Kaunas County Police Chief assured people that they could drive on the road with confidence. The victim and the assailants knew each other and therefore clarified their relationship.

VIDEO: The bloody attack on the road near Kaunas was planned in advance, 2 criminals have already been captured.

A not so notorious but no less daring attack on the capital on March 22, where 3 cars were burned on Karaliaučiaus street.

Forensic scientists discovered that this was the work of criminals, who demanded 10,000 of their victims. euros Before that, they attacked and beat the man on the street, but the victim refused help from officials.

An incident that ended without violence, but was extremely strange, was recorded in the Varėna district, where on June 8, two cars blocked the path to a minibus.

The disembarked men began to shake the interior of the bus, and the driver could not understand what was happening, and thought that the agents were checking it. However, it turned out that these men have nothing to do with the police.

VIDEO: Extraordinary event in Varėna district: menacing men sneaked inside after stopping the minibus

Protest against the Seimas: the officials were dismissed as fascists

On Friday, April 24, an unauthorized campaign was carried out near the Seimas, during which about 10 protesters surrounded the building and used an audible signal.

After the police intervened, one of the citizens refused to present his documents, and he was forcibly detained. Images of the arrest were released online, and the police released the records.

VIDEO: Vilnius police officers interview with a KET offender

Society Divided in two parts: Some cursed officials who allegedly prevented people from freely expressing their views, others justified the actions of police officers by criticizing the disrespectful and indiscriminate behavior of the protesters themselves.

“Damn sadists, fascists,” said the detainee as they took him to a police car.

He refused to get into the official car, shouting that he would not do so voluntarily, that he was illegally detained because he had done nothing wrong.

“Damn sadists, fascists,” said the detainee as they took him to a police car.

“Thank you, officials. Great our police! Lithuania is an amazing country. You brought out a man like a dog. What for? That whistle? We are free to choose,” the filmmaker “lawyer” argued with an official.

Later, the representatives of the Police Department had to explain to the public about this arrest, noting that the officers behaved legally and that the records of administrative crimes were drawn up for 6 people.

Drunk Driving: SBGS, FNTT, VST Officials, Judge

There is a circle of people who are said to be in the sea by the roadside; They tend to drive drunk, regardless of the circumstances. However, the name of an official or public official does not appear every day next to the topic “Drunk Driver”.

The judge of the capital, Mindaugas Striaukas, was surprised during the quarantine. Erudition, competence, truth and a lawyer famous for several controversial convictions are intoxicated by the police. stopped at the wheel of the Škoda early in the morning of the working day.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15-minute photo / Mindaugas Striaukas, Judge of the Vilnius City District Court

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15-minute photo / Mindaugas Striaukas, Judge of the Vilnius City District Court

Similary got stuck and official with the Financial Crime Investigation Service (FNTT): A Special Task Force investigator was arrested in the capital while intoxicated (1.87 avg.) behind the wheel of an Opel car.

The junior specialist of the Public Security Service also ended poorly under the influence of intoxication (set drunkenness of 1.71%). In the village of Svilonėliai in the Jonava district turned off the road and turned a motorcycle driven by this officer: He injured himself and injured a passenger traveling with him.

Another example of irresponsible behavior is drunk border guards (2.5 percent) driving in the Vilnius district. Škoda turned to VW. Two children had to be taken to the hospital for examination, fortunately, they were not seriously injured.

Jump to the Nemunas and other crazy traps

Reckless attempts to escape from the police are rare, but during quarantine, such dangerous traps, of course, did not contribute to the overall rally. The stories have also been directly related to current coronavirus issues. For example, the jump of a man who did not wear a mask in Kaunas to the Nemunas.

When the patrols attempted to arrest a Kaunas resident who was not wearing a mask, the man jumped into the Nemunas’ icy water.

The Kaunas resident was once warned not to wear the mask, and when the warning was not enough and the patrols tried to stop the offender, the latter jumped into the frozen water of the river. Firefighters were needed to remove the man from the Nemunas, and due to his actions, the fugitive had to to explain in court.

In early April in Vilnius. filmed Chase of a Porsche driver likely stunned in an SUV, and in the first days of May, a Volkswagen driver crashed into the Panevėžys police the hunt is over broken glass and drug tests.

In April 15 minutes wrote about the rampant prisoner of Kybartai, who was grated twice went up to the bedroom ceiling. For the first time, the man motivated this spider prisoner show by walking away from a caretaker who approached him without wearing a protective mask.

VIDEO: The convict climbed onto the roof of the Kybartai Correctional Home.

Filmed by a patrol VCR can also be called exceptional furious traps In Čekoniškės, where a minor with an old car and without registration recklessly rushed from the pursuers. A young man with a half-life named “Audi” ran away from the police so quickly that he disappeared from sight.

VIDEO: Filmed how a reckless young man with an Audi turns away from the police

Still, the hunt ended relatively safely for both him and the officers.

How a quarantine “quarantine” can be remembered and trapped in Rietavas drunk scooter driver. A 60-year-old man who had been stalking a scooter in the village of Medinginai settled at 2.20 prom. poisoning. Furthermore, the man had no right to drive, was without a helmet, the scooter was not registered, was not covered by compulsory liability insurance, did not undergo a mandatory technical inspection.

As if it were still small, the driver had about 1 liter of probably homemade vodka and two packages of contraband cigarettes; A separate administrative sanction is imposed for the latest crimes.

A plane crashed in the Vilnius district, killing people

Disasters of this type, such as plane accidents, are always sensitive to society: everyone understands that these are terrible events, often with very serious consequences.

Thus accident report it sounded extremely dramatic during quarantine latency. In addition, the plane crashed the same day, on the morning of which three people had already died in the Utena district during a car accident.

On the afternoon of Saturday, May 9, in the town of Pakenė, Vilnius district, the “Piper PA-38 Tomahawk” plane crashed.

Two people died in the accident. The head of the Vilnius S.Darius and S.Girėnas aeroclub, probably the best Lithuanian aerobatic flight master Donaldas Bleifertas, flew the training plane. An Italian citizen accompanied him.

There was no shortage of horrible accidents

At the beginning of the year, the number of traffic accidents had decreased due to the mild winter, and the announced quarantine further improved these statistics.

Two accidents were extremely painful: 3 people died.

But as the weather warmed up and bans eased, tragedies arose. Two of them were extremely painful: 3 people were killed.

In the Pasvalys district, on the afternoon of May 5, Audi and Toyota collided on the Via Baltica front.

The driver of the Audi is suspected to be the culprit. Two passengers in this car were killed instantly, and his own life was soon extinguished in the hospital.

The accident on the Ripaičiai – Kirdeikiai highway also claimed three lives. There, on a straight stretch of highway, a car stopped and overturned.

Perhaps the consequences would not be so painful if the car had simply flown into the meadow. However, he ran into an obstacle: pillars stacked near the road.

Both the arsonists and the explosive were furious

There have been numerous arson attacks in recent months, several of which have been extremely memorable.

The brutal attack in Kaunas was carried out against the family of a famous doctor. 3 cars were burned on Green Street: two Range Rovers and VW Passat.

“This is a brutal act against our family and our society,” he said. 15 minutes said the surgeon.

Photo reader / Burned car

Photo reader / Burned car

Tens of thousands of euros were lost in a deliberate fire in Kėdainiai. On the morning of May 11, when firefighters arrived, the wood-burning garage burned with an open flame. The 2017 Toyota Land Cruiser and Audi Q7 cars inside and the 2019 Škoda Octavia car parked next to the building were completely burned out. Also burned in 2014. Harley Davidson motorcycle made in 2018. motorcycle made by Honda Goldwing.

And in Taurage, the vandalism target became a municipal employee’s car. Under the hood, it replaced a powerful firecracker that completely destroyed the Opel’s front.

At first, the police seized a nearby intoxicated man. However, a review of the video revealed the true suspect.

VIDEO: The arrested man who blew up the car was already known to the police.

The victim, deputy director of the Tauragė District Municipal Administration, Tomas Raulinavičius, said he could not even imagine who could have taken revenge on him and why, but a similar attack was not the first in his life.

Babies and children were tragically killed

There have been a series of disasters in recent months that have resulted in the deaths of babies and children.

On April 10, his father got drunk in Šilutė he slept with a baby of only a year and a half and crushed him to death.

In the Kelmė district, a 39-year-old mother of two. Life neglect allegations were made after a dead baby born last year was rushed to the hospital from the Kelmė district. Doctors noticed a single sign of violence on his body.

June 11 in Kaunas, Savanori Avenueų, a 5-year-old boy fell out of the apartment window and died.

A small fire in the town of Plepai on the morning of May 5., ended extremely tragically. The bathroom cords caught fire and the fire spread on highly flammable plastic tiles. The fire did not spread, but poisonous smoke spread throughout the room where a 4-year-old girl and a 6-year-old boy slept.

They were rushed to the hospital and turned over to doctors on the way, but they were unable to save their lives.

Vandals and grave robbers were furious

In March, in two weeks, a gang of three youths in Telšiai County managed to commit 15 crimes. When the school year stopped unexpectedly, they spent their free time stealing. The teens chose no targets: They broke into three churches, a school, a museum, shops, and coffee shops.

On May 4, officers patrolling the town of Strepeikiai noticed two desecrated graves. Soon, the arrested suspects reported hearing about the soldiers buried in the former Lutheran evangelical cemetery, disturbing the peace of the dead as a result of the weapons.

Between the afternoon of May 15 at 4 p.m. and May 16 In the morning in Vilnius, in the old Rasai cemetery, the grave of Jonas Basanavičius was trapped by vandals. He was stripped and circumcised.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Jonas Basanavičius grave

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Jonas Basanavičius grave

Bernardas Bučas, the grandson of Salomėja Nėris, also desecrated the cemetery. He wanted to intimidate the sheriff, so he carried a cross on his office door. He removed them from the war cemetery, thus destroying the treasures of World War I.

On May 2, one of the symbols of Kėdainiai, the Rainbow Pedestrian Bridge, was set on fire. 4 people suspected of a crime thus added 25 thousand. Euro damage.

The explosions in the apartment buildings ended happily

Two large explosions were destroyed in the apartment buildings, but both ended happily: deaths were prevented.

A gas cylinder exploded on the night of May 24 in an apartment building in Rusne. The wave of the explosion smashed the windows, boiled two walls of the apartment, damaged the balcony and the common staircase.

The explosion that destroyed the entire department, by happy coincidence, did not kill the 94 years who lived there.

An accident occurred in Kupiškis on April 30, which could have been avoided. Dock street residents complained about gas problems the entire week before the explosion, but no one was in a hurry to respond to complaints.

Finally, at night, the gas exploded in an apartment on the ground floor. During the explosion, the apartment was completely destroyed and a mother and daughter were taken to the hospital.

Tomas Markelevičius / 15min photo / On the scene

Tomas Markelevičius / 15min photo / On the scene

A wave of drink, violence, aggression.

In mid-May, the police restricted informedCrime statistics change during quarantine: Officials recorded 7 percent. Fewer crimes.

At that time, specialists familiar with public security spread an alarming knowledge: that the pandemic had led Lithuanians to crime, and the crime situation would only worsen in the near future.

Experts predict that with the rapid deterioration of the economic situation and rising unemployment, the crime rate in the country will continue to grow rapidly: theft of supermarkets, residences, agricultural premises, rarely visited goods and online fraud will increase.

Instantly understand

  • According to the police, there has been a reduction in fraud (56%), sexual assault (82%), rape (68%), serious health problems (50%), and public order since March 16, when the country was quarantined. crimes (41%), robberies (40%), minor health problems (35%), robberies (16%), major robberies (32%), drug trafficking (18%) and destruction of property (10%).
  • Of concern was the increasing number of homicides (an increase from 15 to 26 homicides, or 73 percent), and drunk driving when set above 1.5 avg. drunkenness (35% more), minor health disorders (11% more), human terror and embezzlement (10% more).

As Renatas Požėla, Police Commissioner General, has said, it is obvious that with the decreased flow of people in public places, fewer crimes are reported, but there has been concern about the behavior and crimes of people in the home.

The most brutal crime that took place during the quarantine was the double gang rape of minors in Šalčininkai. The officials were arrested up to 5 known to the police suspects (born 1992, 1989, 2003, 2000 and 1977) who suffered two 17-year-olds.

April 8 in Kaunas, apartment on P. Višinskio Street, They found the bodies of two people: a man (born 1976) committed suicide after probably strangling a woman (born 1979).

LKPB Commander R.Kiškis: “We didn’t really go back to the 90s, although there were surprises”

The Lithuanian Criminal Police Office (LCPB), which constantly analyzes crime trends not only during quarantine, but also on a regular basis, was preparing for this period, trying to analyze future threats and challenges together with Europol. Head of LKPB Rolandas Kiškis 15 minutes He now recognized that the overall preparations for a criminogenic quarantine situation had been worthwhile, but some predictions did not materialize.

One of the most telling examples mentioned by R. Kiškis is the illegal trade in protective measures against COVID-19. “That trade was almost non-existent,” said the chief, stressing that it was enough for the police to carry out only a few raids and preventive actions.

All the murders were domestic and are under investigation. It is true that we did not expect such a large number of them.

Criminals were also pleasantly surprised that the scale of cyber fraud has not increased dramatically. The simple fact that, in many cases, commerce has shifted to the Internet may have been a source of profit for criminals, but population surveillance and supervision of officials led to most transactions being carried out. carried out safely and fairly.

The part of the statistics that has hampered the results sought by officials is the increase in the number of homicides. According to R. Kiškis, the number of cases of domestic violence is predicted to increase, because during quarantine people had to spend more time at home, when some of them were not active, and the consumption of alcohol also caused additional stresses. However, the consequences of domestic violence were not expected to be so critical: they would become murders.

– Is it possible to affirm in your words that we have avoided criminogenic agitation during the quarantine in Lithuania?15 minutes LCPB chief R.Kiškis asked.

Sigismund Gedvila photo / 15min / Rolandas Kiškis

Sigismund Gedvila photo / 15min / Rolandas Kiškis

– I think if. We were preparing for this period with our colleagues at Europol, most of the forecasts were confirmed, we were ready to guarantee security. Lately, we have even heard statements from former colleagues that we are back in the 90s, but I disagree with that assessment. No way! Litmus paper for me is a series of serious and very serious crimes. Statistics show that the number of such crimes is decreasing, noting the long-term trend: the situation is improving.

– According to the subjective evaluation, the most arrogant crimes that caused the greatest public concern during the quarantine are the murder of a police officer in the Mažeikiai district and the attack of a Jaguar driver on the road near Kaunas. Do you agree or were you personally surprised by any other attack?

– Basically, I could agree. However, not only during quarantine, but also at all times, extremely arrogant and high-resonance crimes occur. Recently, such crimes have had a particularly high impact, not because of their frequency or terrible nature, but because of the very rapid and widespread dissemination of information about such events these days. Even retirees can find out about the news online, so awareness of serious events is quickly reaching a much larger audience than in earlier times.

– After all, what has become the biggest surprise for you in the last 13 weeks of quarantine?

– We weren’t expecting that many murders. Although all the murders were, so to speak, domestic and are under investigation, we predicted an increase in violence, but we did not expect as many murders.

If you are prone to assault, during quarantine, at home, and especially while drinking alcohol, this risk increases dramatically. We are now seeing that as quarantine restrictions are being reduced and life is returning to a more normal course, crime trends are also returning to our normal level.
