the price has already been calculated, it will not be small


Got not to privatize

After learning that the Auska state presidential village could be privatized, last fall the Palanga government took considerable measures to prevent this from happening and achieved its own: the object was removed from the list of privatized and transferred to the municipality of Palanga by decision of Saulius Skvernelis.

February 19 Palanga signed a deed of acceptance-assignment of the property with all its subsidiaries with the Property Bank, and on March 10. In the Registry Center, an entry on this considerable property has been supplemented by a new owner: the Municipality of Palanga.

Now the new owner has decided and already this Thursday submits to the City Council for consideration and approval a draft decision, according to which the entire villa, along with its belongings and personal property and works of art, would be leased for at least two years for activities recreational.

It is not up to the municipality to provide accommodation.

When asked to comment on such a decision by the local government, Palanga Mayor Šarūnas Vaitkus told Vakarinei Palanga that this is the most optimal way to use the village at this stage.

“The municipality cannot do business and provide accommodation services; this is not the function of the municipality. At the end of April the lease contract with the current tenant company Ambra Investicijos expires. We consider what to do next.

Now, the winning company may take a year, two or more to prepare a feasibility study for the use of the villa, as well as to prepare all the technical documentation.

Of course, during that time nothing can be done, simply close the villa or hand it over to the Municipal company “Palangos Investicijų Valdymas”, but we decided that it is better to look for tenants so that we do not have to keep the villa. for several years “, -” Vakarinei Palanga “spoke the mayor of Palanga.

The lease with Auska’s current tenant, Ambra Investicijos, expires on April 29. This year is frustrating for the company not only because it has to end its activity in Palanga, on March 1. Gintaras Pocevičius, its CEO and head of Auska, died of coronavirus in one of the Vilnius hospitals.

The main shareholders of Ambra Investicijos are Russian citizens and a limited liability company registered abroad. It is they who, with the help of the Director General, have managed the mythical village in Palanga, by the sea, for the last ten years.

You will prepare various feasibility study options.

As Akvilė Kilijonienė, the Director of Administration of the Municipality of Palanga, informed Vakarinė Palanga, the Municipality of Palanga announced a tender in the fall to select a company to carry out a feasibility study on the future use of Auska. The contest was won and the works will be carried out by the small company “Branus” registered in the capital, with which a contract worth 5,324 euros was signed.

Mayor Š.Vaitkus comments to “Western Palanga” that Palanga does not renounce his previously expressed thoughts on how to use “Auska”. Already in autumn, the mayor said that a nursing home could be installed in the village or that there could be cultural activities, including sports.

The company that won the contest will prepare several variants of the use of the villa. We did not abandon our ideas on how Palanga could use Auska, but there are certain specific requirements in each specific case, which must be examined and evaluated.

Once the feasibility studies have been prepared, we will consult with the public, and after choosing the best option for use, we will speak with the Government and the ministries to help Palanga implement the ideas. For example, if we decide that the village will have a home for the elderly, we will consult with the Ministry of Social Security and Labor to allocate at least some funds for social needs ”, commented the mayor.

He said it is not surprising that Palanga is renting a villa at this stage of transition. “We did the same with the Palanga campsite – while all the necessary design and technical documentation was being prepared, the object was rented and the city benefited from it,” commented the mayor in “Palanga Occidental”.

Rental price – according to law

Prospective tenants will be offered to rent Auska for two years with the possibility of renewing the contract twice for another year. The whole 4558.12 square meters. meters of recreational building, guardhouse, tennis courts, various gazebos with the patio infrastructure required for the operation of these buildings, as well as other long and short-term properties in Auska, including paintings.

The initial rental price proposed is not low, it would amount to 119,520 euros per year, or 9,060 euros per month.

When asked how the villa’s initial rental price was calculated, Š.Vaitkus commented that the goal was for it to be no lower than that for which the state property was leased to the tenant by the Property Bank.

“The price was calculated in accordance with the Law on Administration, Use and Alienation of State and Municipal Property,” the manager of the complex told Vakarinei Palanga.

According to him, this is the initial rental price and it can go up during the tender. “The market will dictate its terms. In any case, this is not the price at which the Vilnius municipality rented its holiday homes in Palanga,” said the town’s mayor.

We remind you that the municipality of Vilnius has 3148 square meters M. Recently, meters of holiday homes in Palanga were rented for an almost symbolic rent: tenants will have to pay 1133 euros per month, or 36 cents per square meter.

Try not to negotiate loud festivals

“Our initial rental price is real, on the other hand, we do not want to scare entrepreneurs with too high prices, otherwise the Municipality will have to keep all the property,” said the mayor.

He was asked if Palanga residents living near Auska could hope that the city-owned village would stop hosting scandalous festivals, such as Pudra, which not only significantly exceeded the level of nightly music, but was scoffed at by the organizers. of police officers, who tried to stop the enraged organizers and participants, the resort manager said that who would win the rental of the villa depends only on the maximum price offered.

“Everything will be determined by the maximum rental price offered. No law establishes that a rental contest will be determined based on whether or not the tenant organizes one event or another. Of course, we will sit down and talk to the winner, we are always looking for a way to agree on certain undesirable things, I think that will be the case now too, ”said the owner of Palanga to West Palanga.

What will happen to the huge area?

Along with the legendary presidential village Auska, a 21-hectare territory, most of which consists of the state-owned coastal forest, was transferred to Palanga under a loan agreement.

Does the villa need such a large area and how could it be used? Responding to this question from “Palanga Occidental”, the resort manager stated that Palanga herself is showing the initiative to allocate to the villa a plot of land that it really needs to perform its functions.

“The feasibility studies will reveal the size of the area that is actually needed for the villa. I think the plot should be exactly what is needed for the villa and the future facilities here to work. Maybe it turns out that 5 hectares, for example, are sufficient.

We want to separate the rest of the vast territory of Auska and return it to the state so that the coastal forests remain here forever and no one has the slightest thought or temptation to use these hectares that are not for public purposes, ”said Palanga. , celebrating the return of the centenary of Lithuania, Mayor.

“We want to leave coastal forests intact for future generations,” said Š.Vaitkus, who was on holiday.
