Westbrook yells at critics: “I don’t need an NBA ring because I’m already a champion” / News


Nuotr .: AFP – Scanpix

Nuotr. AFP – Scanpix

Washington Wizards defender Russell Westbrook has been criticized throughout his career for paying too much attention to personal stats, which has kept him from winning the NBA so far.

Russell westbrook

Russell westbrook
Russell westbrook

MIN: 35.03
PTS: 21.79 (47.98%)
REB: 10.26
WHAT: 10.62
ST: 1.28
BS: 0.41
FOR: 4.95
GM: 39

Still, Westbrook chided critics that he was already a champion and just didn’t need an NBA ring.

“I have played basketball my whole life and my wife has said that it is important not to let others discourage you from your dreams and goals,” the defender wrote on Twitter. – People on television start talking about basketball players from an early age, although they don’t even know what it is because of their personality, what their goals are and where they come from. I am happy and nobody can take it away from me.

I only became a champion when I entered the NBA, I grew up on the streets and I am already a champion. I don’t need an NBA ring. I know many NBA champions who have not helped their community and have done nothing good for the world. “

“The most important thing to me was not what I did in the plaza, but outside of it,” Westbrook continued. – I do not promise to play basketball all my life, I am happy with the number of people I made happy. There is no other player more criticized than me, but I accept it positively. If people talk about me so much, it means I’m doing something right. “

This season, the 32-year-old NBA player has stats of 21.8 points, 10.3 rebounds and 10.6 assists for 35 minutes.
