I am sorry for the well-being of the people, but I would not like to repeat the late scenario during Easter


“It really depends on how we all behave together. If we try to celebrate the holidays safely and without putting too much risk in communication, there will not be a very significant pressure on the health system (…) I think the Government can avoid some very special or strict decisions ”. I. Šimonytė predicted.

The head of government said that he will meet with merchants later this week to discuss how to ensure greater control of buyers and other security measures during the holiday period.

“We really would like the existing requirements to be simply met and not created new ones to try to resolve a possible non-compliance somewhere, as this also creates difficulties for those who scrupulously comply with those requirements,” the Prime Minister explained. .

I.Šimonytė: we would not like us to repeat the Late Scenario this Easter

According to the Prime Minister, there is still no decision on the fate of the movement restrictions after Easter, but experts consider that this control measure is the main reason that prevented the spread of the “British” virus mutation throughout Lithuania.

According to experts, movement restrictions were probably the main reason that prevented the “British” strain from spreading in Lithuania as it did in many other countries. So I know that people are not satisfied, I know that they are upset and angry, but nonetheless, those movement restrictions played a role and I think that role was positive, “he said.

I. Šimonytė regretted the restriction of such movement and assured “with all his heart that he was with those who wanted to travel”, but asked to refrain from further contacts.

“Now the main request was during Holy Week, when people still move more, wanting to go somewhere and meet someone to make that movement less. I don’t want this Easter to repeat what happened last year after Tarde. Last year after Late, when that movement was also very intense, we had very, very fast wave propagation.

Although I understand the well-being of people a lot, I really apologize and regret, I am with all my heart with those people who would like to travel very much, but I beg you to avoid those contacts at Easter, because they would allow us to reduce that wave, “he urged the first Minister.

And then, after Easter, on Monday, we could see what the situation is in the hospitals, what is the epidemiological situation, there would be a government meeting on Tuesday, in which we would decide, based on the current outlook and trends, whether are there any restrictions needed and for whom they should apply, ”added I. Šimonytė.

There is not very good knowledge of the epidemiological situation.

Speaking about the epidemiological situation in Lithuania, the Prime Minister did not hide her lack of good knowledge. According to her, the number of cases in Vilnius and other municipalities in eastern Lithuania continues to increase and the situation there will not improve anytime soon, but the situation is deteriorating in some municipalities with more positive indicators.

“As for the epidemiological situation, it can probably be perfectly seen from the figures that there is not very good knowledge. But the situation is almost the same as yesterday and the day before yesterday. The number of cases around Vilnius and in the eastern municipalities of Lithuania continues to rise, the situation is slightly better in other municipalities, but we cannot say that it is not deteriorating either.

We follow those deteriorating trends elsewhere. However, the main challenge and task in the near future will be to make the best possible use of these vaccines, which we will definitely receive a lot this week, compared to the previous weeks ”, assured I. Šimonytė.

According to her, more than 130,000 will be distributed to municipalities this week. doses of vaccine, of which more than 96 thousand. It will be administered for the first vaccination of the population. During the last day, 5,575 people received the first dose of the vaccine and 5,976 people on the second day. 458 people, both – 158 thousand. 925.

Are you vaccinated on vacation?

When asked if vaccinations would also take place on holidays, the head of government replied that it would all depend on whether people wanted to work and the government would try to motivate them with higher wages.

“It can be expected if there will be the option to vaccinate, if there will be people who want to work. Surely we are willing to pay those people for the work of getting vaccinated. Basically, it is the capacity of the municipal administrations that has to organize the process to persuade to people who also work on holidays or weekends.

I can assure from the central government that the price of this work will definitely be higher, and with that we will try to motivate as many people as possible to get vaccinated ”, promised I. Šimonytė.
