Dust: the two regions are already dominated by the British variety with its own different speeds and different consequences


Arūnas Dulkys, director of SAM, also participated in the committee meeting.

SAM reported that vaccination volumes reached their highest level last week. It reached 18 thousand. number of vaccinations per day. The most popular vaccine so far is Pfizer. The “modern” vaccine is also in demand and its use is not limited in any municipality.

According to SAM, the vaccine with the lowest demand is AstraZeneca. There is a permanent residue from this vaccine.

Discussed the actual situation

“If we look at the acceleration of the pandemic and the real situation, it seems that we are moving towards 400-500 cases in 14 days (100,000 inhabitants – automatic mail) and that is a bad message.

Mutations are our mysterious place, where we have been involved in such regular systematic sequencing for only a good month and a half, we don’t have many analytical and valuable insights, but we already know that Marijampolė, Vilnius regions are already dominated by the British variety. with its different speed and consequences, said A. Dulkys.

The head of the SAM, when discussing the situation, compared it to four corridors: tests, vaccination, morbidity and mutations. He assured that if the vaccination rate was surpassed by mutations with increasing morbidity, the situation would be complicated. The mutations, he said, are also confusing because it is difficult to predict how much of the population the mutations will reach, how they will spread across the country, and what the consequences will be.

The Health Minister assured that the management of the pandemic is also currently facing a human resources problem.

“The challenge is that both testing and vaccination involve the same community, they have the same human resources,” Dulkys said.

Vaccination rates and rhythm development

SAM Chancellor Jurgita Grebenkovienė, who participated in the meeting, provided information on financing vaccination for medical institutions.

“There is a fee for vaccination, which is around 3 euros. Consequently, a process has now been calculated and is already underway, which will soon transfer funds to vaccination institutions for the volume of three-month vaccinations carried out so far, in December, January and February. The next funding will be in the next three months, “said J. Grebenkovienė.

According to her, vaccination on weekdays is no longer enough to increase the rate of vaccination. Therefore, it is also planned to vaccinate faster on weekends.

“Both next weekend and in the future, vaccinations are also planned for weekends. Vaccination on weekends is more expensive. Only in terms of payment, the State Health Insurance Fund calculates the rate. which will be applied specifically for weekend vaccinations. Payments will differ accordingly, “explained the Chancellor of the Ministry.

Vaccination certificates and green certificates are provided

According to J. Grebenkovienė, the ministry is developing the so-called green certificate.

“The main objective of such a certificate is to guarantee the free movement of people and the reduction of risks to the health of other people caused by the coronavirus. The green certificates will cover three aspects: vaccination, transmission and results of the investigation, ”said the minister’s chancellor.

As he explained, the certificate will be based on a minimum set of data that will be the same in all EU countries: a unique document number and a trusted network to guarantee the authenticity of the certificate.

“By the end of April, we intend to implement a national vaccination certificate, a vaccination certificate without validation.” This means that there will be no QR codes, but no QR codes will be available in their Esveikata profiles, and in May the full national digital green certificate (aut.p) will be implemented without validation, ”the SAM representative told the committee. members.

According to J. Grebenkovienė, the implementation of digital certificates according to the specifications will take about three months.

“We already plan to have such a specification in April, which means that we should have such certificates around July. At the moment, we have workarounds: until they are created, residents can download certificates and medical records in their ‘Esveikata’ “said J. Grebenkovienė.

A. Dulkys, responding to questions from committee members and meeting guests, also noted that the nuances of the certificate of immunity in EU countries are still being discussed. At the moment, it is planned to include people overwhelmed and vaccinated with antibodies in the content of this certificate.

“Any other test depends on a big question mark, because taking a test does not mean that you are not infected the next hour. Now, in a German city where that test is being done, only the validity of that immunity certificate counts in that case for a day. There are all kinds of nuances here and countries are trying to find the best answers, “said the Minister.

Mayors ask for more freedom and vaccines

Skirmantas Mockevičius, Mayor of Jurbarkas, representative of the Association of Municipalities, assured that municipalities are facing all vaccination challenges so far.

“The situation in the municipalities is a little different. There was a problem with Astrazeneca: that information about the suspension caused damage. But everyone realized that the only way was to win a continuous vaccination. All the mayors have evaluated the situation, they are monitoring it, they are doing it and on weekends they also vaccinate where they can ”, commented the mayor.

S. Mockevičius assured that the main problem was the quantities of vaccines.

“The only problem that the mayors say is the application of vaccines. The more vaccine, the sooner we will be vaccinated,” said the mayor of Jurbarkas at the meeting.

The mayor of Jurbarkas stressed that the mayors of SAM are calling for more freedom in the use of vaccine residues.

“You don’t want to spill or throw away that dose,” he said.

J. Grebenkovienė assured that vaccine residues are usually related to the organization of vaccination. According to the SAM representative, the situation improves with the organization of a live queue for priority groups.

“As for live queues at the end of the working day, some municipalities apply this practice. That practice is becoming more common. The live queues are organized for the priority group and it really works, it does not go out of the priority groups. <..>

Have balances at the end of the day: There are some situations where this is unavoidable, it is more a matter of organizing the process. We have really freed ourselves and allowed the priority groups to move in that order to bring together as many people as we need for the daily and weekly vaccination, ”said J. Grebenkovienė.

According to her, this should help reduce the amount of waste.

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