The police shared updated information on when to go to other municipalities


Police say there are at least two officers at each checkpoint, with shooters or police sympathizers in some locations.

“Each checkpoint has a designated senior position that handles all business. In case of disagreement about the passage through the position or in special cases, the people who go can ask for decisions to be made (not fail, etc.) in the presence of a senior official of the position, ”the police memo reads.

Movement is allowed only in ring municipalities, only between adjacent municipalities of the city and Alytus district, Kaunas city and district, Klaipėda city and district, Panevėžys city and district, the Šiauliai city and district and Vilnius city and district.

The following are the exceptions when, for urgent reasons, movement is allowed on the road to other municipalities:

Go to work

It is recommended that you have documents confirming the purpose of your trip (for example, employee card (if you specify a specific workplace), bill of lading, cargo delivery schedule with locations, etc.).

Members of the same family and / or household cannot be transported to work (or taken from work) to another municipality. The person who works in that municipality must travel alone (for example, by public transport, with co-workers, etc.).

Navigate to airports, seaports, bus stations, which it serves passengers traveling on international routes, or from them can. In this case, the person traveling must have supporting documents for international travel, such as airline tickets.

Only family and / or household members with whom the returnee will stay can bring returnees from abroad who are not subject to self-isolation from airports, seaports, bus stations that serve passengers on international routes. An analogous condition applies if it is necessary to transport people to such objects.

The exception applies only to minor children and people who are unable to care for themselves; Any person in the municipality where the returnee will be staying can transport them to or from these facilities.

The above conditions apply to foreign citizens who are members of the family of citizens of the Republic of Lithuania or form a household with them in a foreign state upon arrival in Lithuania.

When people travel from abroad in a vehicle, they can travel together to the municipalities of their place of residence. It should be noted that these people must have documents proving the fact of the departure from a foreign state and the route in Lithuania.

When you go to care for people who are sick or cannot care for themselves, – This is allowed, but given the wide variety of cases of this type, officials will individually evaluate similar cases. It is recommended that attendees have supporting documents (for example, on the health status of the person being cared for) when this is possible.

To perform health care services (planned) if necessary, it is necessary to have documents that support the purpose of the trip (for example, electronic confirmation from the health care institution). In the absence of other options, you may be taken away by a member of your family and / or your home.

In exceptional cases (for example, in the absence of family members or household members with a driving license), you are allowed to be transported to another person. In all cases, it is necessary to ensure that the condition of only 2 people in the vehicle is maintained. The driver cannot visit places outside the main objective of the trip.

When you go to a property that is not owned by you in the municipality of your residence or when a person goes to the municipality where they are registered, but the person is subject to other restrictions, such as communication within a single household (for example, returning to parents, grandparents and / or other relatives would violate this requirement).

Members of the same family or household can also travel to a municipality other than their own, where they own real estate owned by one of the family or household members. Please note that it is only possible to travel with the owner of the property.

When you move for the purpose of relocation, it is also possible between different municipalities, but in this case it is necessary to travel with all personal belongings, and the official would assess the situation individually (for example, traveling with several personal belongings is not treated as a move).

Go to a notary or for financial services to the bank They are allowed to another municipality when they go during their work and they are provided with a reservation of time confirming this.

Highly qualified athletes continue can, but is required to have, a letter from a sports federation stating that the person is a highly qualified athlete whose purpose is to go to another municipality for a high-level sports exercise and confirming that only in the municipality where the athlete goes, there is an infrastructure adapted to the exercise of the sport it represents (if there is more than one, a list of these municipalities must be provided; in this case, it is allowed to go to the municipality closest to the municipality of residence of the highly qualified athlete).

Go to another municipality to get married It is possible, but only people who get married and people who legally testify to this fact can take place (if they are not representatives of a household, they must take place separately). Everyone must have documents to support the purpose of the trip.

StudentsSince the studies are carried out at a distance, they will not be able to return to the city where they are studying (unless they have a bedroom or other rental residence, real estate or are registered in that municipality).

When you go to SE Regitra for exams Whether due to a roadworthiness test, it can only be done on a specific day and a booking confirmation is required.

Go to the funeral in another municipality it is only possible due to the death of close relatives. The Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania stipulates that close relatives up to and including the second degree (parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren) and the second degree relatives of the lateral line (siblings) are recognized as close relatives.

A maximum of 10 people can attend the funeral, this number does not include the family and / or household members of the participants, people who provide ritual services.

For the sake of clarity, the police provide several examples:

1) after the death of Vardenis Pavardenis’s mother and the funeral in another municipality, he and / or his children can go and his spouse cannot;

2) in the event of the death of the mother or grandmother of Vardenis Pavardenis and the funerals in his municipality of residence, both he and his spouse may be present;

3) after the death of a close friend (not a close relative) or friend of Vardenis Pavardenis, you cannot go to a funeral in another municipality;

4) in the event of the death of a close friend (not a close relative) or friend of Vardenis Pavardenis, you will be able to attend a funeral in your municipality of residence, as well as the people with whom you form a single household.

When going to the funeral, it is recommended to have a copy of the death certificate and / or confirmation from the funeral service provider regarding the date of the funeral. If you are traveling with your family and / or household members, it is essential to have documents that prove these connections.

Other movement restrictions:

In the vehicle, with the exception of urban, intercity and suburban regular passenger vehicles or vehicles traveling to or from the workplace, no more than 2 people or groups of members of the same family and / or a household may be present at the Same time.

Co-workers travel in a car possible, the number is limited only by the maximum number of seats installed in the vehicle. In this case, people must justify the joint work (for example, employment contracts, employee certificates, etc.). At the same time, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements established by the Chief of Emergency Operations at the state level during work. Attention is also drawn to the fact that conscripts, soldiers, volunteer soldiers, members of the Rifle Syndicate who travel to or from the same place of service are treated as co-workers and in cases where they do not have an employment relationship formal with said organizations (in such cases documents referring to these groups of people).

• Restricted travel on urban, long-distance and suburban regular passenger transport routes – intercity and suburban transport Sitting is only allowed at a distance of at least one meter, and in urban transport sitting and standing are allowed if a distance of at least one meter between people is guaranteed.

Withdrawal of goods it is possible in the municipality of your residence or for this purpose you are allowed to move between the adjacent municipalities of the city and the district of Alytus, the city and the district of Kaunas, the city and the district of Klaip lada, the city and the district from Panevėžys, Šiauliai city and district, Vilnius city and district.

Provide hosting services allowed, but can be used taking into account the restrictions applicable to movement between municipalities, that is, they can only be used in the municipality of your residence or, for this purpose, it is allowed to move between the city and the adjacent district of Alytus, the Kaunas city and district, Klaipeda city and district, Panevezys city and district, Šiauliai city and district, Vilnius city and district municipalities.

Hunting and Fishing, when chased by no more than 2 people or groups of members of a family and / or a household in an open space in their municipality of residence is allowed. It is also possible to move between the adjacent municipalities of the city and Alytus district, Kaunas city and district, Klaipėda city and district, Panevėžys city and district, Šiauliai city and district, the Vilnius city and district.

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