The Venezuelan president offers oil in exchange for vaccines against the coronavirus


“Venezuela has oil tankers, it has oil from our clients who buy it and it is ready to deliver part of its arsenal to provide all the vaccines that Venezuela needs,” Maduro said in the report.

The president did not elaborate.

Venezuela is mired in a deep political and economic crisis. Due to the lack of foreign exchange and the sanctions imposed by the United States, the country is barely able to import food, medicine and everyday goods.

According to Maduro, in addition to liquidating the oil, the country has another option: to have access to funds blocked by sanctions in US and European banks that could pay for the vaccines supplied through the COVAX initiative.

Through this program, the country has already offered from 1.4 million. up to 2.4 million AstraZeneca vaccine doses, but your country refused.

In the past, several European countries suspended vaccination with the drug due to anxiety about possible health complications, but vaccination was resumed when it was found to be unfounded.

According to official figures, some 156,000 people have been infected with the coronavirus in Venezuela. people, of which more than 1,5 thousand cases of infection. they were fatal. However, the actual infection statistics are likely to be much higher, due, among other things, to the low volume of testing.

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