A heartbreaking family story: Grandma spent her final days completely isolated and powerless


A young woman (Delfi’s name is known) said that her 83-year-old grandmother had been ill at home on February 13. Suddenly he began to not walk, he felt weak, he had no temperature or a runny nose.

“She was taken to Lazdynai Hospital. There, it was found that she had very low hemoglobin and needed a blood transfusion. As we are from Širvintos district, she was transferred from Lazdynai Hospital to Širvintos Hospital after a few hours,” said the granddaughter.

According to her, the grandmother was hospitalized there with two other patients.

“A woman who was lying next to her grandmother was very good at helping her hold the receiver to her ear. We could still talk at the time, “he said.

Worrisome signs

The granddaughter recalled that on February 14 she took diapers and other necessary items from her grandmother.

“The nurses brought me clothes. They were completely soaked in urine. The sweater, the sweater, the pants could just be pierced. At that time, I didn’t think there would be such a situation that it might be necessary to film it, ”said the woman.

He said he called his grandmother later.

“She told me that she was completely naked, that they left her with ‘pampering’ and that they laid her naked in the living room. “How long does it take an old man to get pneumonia there?” The granddaughter got angry.

So, according to her, everything seemed to be going well. The relatives received the knowledge that the condition of the grandmother was stable. Blood was shed for five days.

“When asked by a doctor, why do you have hemoglobin? They told him that he had a deficiency of vitamin B12, which caused the disappearance of hemoglobin, ”said the granddaughter.

Nearby relatives learned that the grandmother was isolated

She recalled that her mother mainly interacted with the doctor because she herself worked a lot at the time.

“They told her that everything was fine. So I decided to call the administration and ask about certain things. Then I learned that since February 18, she has been isolated alone in the ward.

Our grandmother was Polish. She may not have understood everything about why she was left alone in the room, she did not emphasize this to us. We realized that they probably left her alone, because when we called her, no one answered the phone, ”said the woman.

Family members tried to ask the nurse to stand up the phone or dial the number so that she could speak to her grandmother.

“After all, a person is missing when you cannot see her, you cannot communicate, there are suspicions about what is happening. She told us,” You make her nervous when you call. She cries hysterically “that she really wants to go home,” said the granddaughter. .

The woman soon found out that she had bedsores with her grandmother within a week (days 13-18) because they asked her to bring Sudocrem cream.

“It just came to our knowledge then. She went to the bathroom herself, picked up the phone and ate. She went to the hospital really without pressure ulcers. And there she suddenly went to bed. My grandmother, when I spoke to her, said:” I am constantly lying down, nothing else, she feeds me, I can’t do anything on my own. “Of course, she got dressed, everything was there, but at home she did everything herself,” the granddaughter opened.

Relatives began to explain why the grandmother was isolated

Relatives began to explain why the grandmother was isolated and did not know anything about it.

“If it’s isolated, then it was in contact. Because from the 13th she slept with two women, and after five days she was isolated. Then there was something, but they didn’t tell us anything ”, the granddaughter recalled the flow of thoughts.

The woman recalled speaking with her grandmother on February 22. It was the last conversation between the two.

“She said that she had received the COVID-19 text for the second time. I asked her again:” Did it hurt or was everything okay? “She just cried and said,” I ask you to get me out of here. Because I will not go home to unless you take me. I promised to take it, but I did not keep my promise, “shouted the interlocutor.

Then the granddaughter became more active, called the administration, asked questions.

“They told me that she was isolated since February 18. So I started calling the ward, I asked the nurse, “How do you know it’s isolated? Why? Anyway, you don’t isolate yourself, “said the woman.

At that moment, he only heard the answers: “I don’t know anything. I can’t tell you anything.”

“I say, ‘Hit a doctor.’ Then he explained that “there is no doctor”, the doctor on duty has not yet come to work. And I did not know anything, “said the interlocutor about his ways of trying to obtain information about a close person.

Suddenly she learned that her grandmother had been transferred to another hospital.

On the morning of February 25, the grandmother’s daughter called Širvintos Hospital to inquire about her mother’s health.

“They tell her: ‘She is no more, they took her to the Ukmerg hospital hospital.’ The mother gets scared and asks: “Why did you take it out?” It says: “We won’t tell you anything, we don’t know anything, there’s no history, the doctor can’t tell you anything. Find it yourself,” not the contacts, not the number, not the reason it was removed.

My mother got nervous, cried and started looking for a number, calling Ukmergė Hospital. Finally, there, calling from one number to another, they found that the grandmother was lying in the COVID section. He found out that they had brought him in at night, maybe at 11 pm, and so far the condition is stable, no oxygen is needed, there is no temperature, everything is in order, ”said the granddaughter.

Family members spoke with the doctor, found out that the grandmother had bedsores and agreed that they would bring her a bed mattress.

“The doctors communicated very well there, there were no problems with communication,” said the granddaughter.

I tried to explain with Širvintos hospital

The relatives tried to explain the situation to the Širvintos hospital.

“When my mother called me in the evening and told me that my grandmother had been taken to Ukmergė, that she was ill and struggling, I did not understand, and I called Dainius Bučas, the general director of the Širvintos hospital. I asked him, “How are you? Why didn’t you tell us you got COVID-19? They took her out at night, why didn’t we know those things? Why was everything hidden? After all, how was the communication?

It was all a lie, I learned everything from my grandmother that COVID was taken twice. Why was it taken away? “What happened at that time from 18 to 24 when they took her away, we don’t know anything about anything,” the granddaughter resented.

She said that at that time, after hearing the first thought, her grandmother had brought the coronavirus out of the house.

“My parents took an antibody test. They weren’t sick, they had no contact. This is like a test. He apologized. (…) The whole situation is brutal. I want to emphasize the communication of the Širvintos Hospital, what kind of cruel women work there: so angry, incompetent.

I also work as a nurse and I really sincerely help the person that I can. I asked the nurse to take my grandmother to the bathroom, I tell her, “She is walking with us. If she’s been lying down for five days and her muscles are weak, put her on her feet. “She said,” Listen, you have an internal medicine department here, not some kind of support to accompany her to your grandmother and lie down here.

It is not possible to call on weekends and on weekdays. Because there is energy on weekdays and work is more fluid. On the 14th, when I was carrying things for them, I was standing in the hospital because nobody let me in, I called ten times, nobody picked up the phone. Nightmare. Maybe that’s why things like this happen because we are all angry, tired. But more brutally, in the last few days, we could no longer communicate with her. Worst of all, he died in that loneliness. This is an old man, maybe she didn’t know who she was, maybe she thought we left her. The worst thing is that the man went out alone, ”the granddaughter shouted.

The hospital does not feel that it has communicated poorly with the family

Dainius Bučas, temporary director of Širvintos Hospital, does not believe that his hospital staff have not communicated properly with this family.

“I don’t even know what to say, they were unhappy and our position is that we communicate very well. I spoke with all the nurses, everything was fine. Here, you see, it depends on the person, and she had a lot of empathy, ”said D. Bučas.

The manager agreed that perhaps the daughter had been given very little information about her mother.

“This is a problem, paramedic, it is not a medical problem,” Buč said.

The hospital manager said he did not even know where that woman might have contracted the coronavirus.

“We were inspected by the National Public Health Center and we did not find anything. We ourselves have formed a team and have not answered why the virus reaches us, because practically the entire nursing department is sick, (…) the staff could not be For me, there is a mystique where that infection came from and I don’t know how it got infected, “said D. Bučas.

The hospital director agreed that the current moment is difficult for loved ones.

“It is a very scary moment, we are social beings, and when a loved one cannot visit, it is scary. But that era has arrived for everyone and no one knows how it will continue here.

For me, it’s totally terrifying. When there is a visit, then there is a completely different situation. Next comes a loved one, maybe they look the same, then you can talk to the nurses. Oh, when it is not possible to attend, only the words remain, and with the words, well, you understand … ”, lamented D. Bučas, expressing his condolences to the family for the loss.

The director did not rule out that there was a time when no one from the department picked up the phone.

“It is not because the work is intense. (…) When a telephone is given, many people want to make a call, it can be that moment. Maybe it’s the same, usually the handset is picked up, “explained D. Bučas.

The hospital director was unwilling to believe that his hospital could be for his patient’s clothes to be completely wet with urine, to be laid out naked, only in diapers.

“It just came to our attention then. Here you are talking in terms of concentration camps. If a person gets wet, the ‘pampering’ is changed as much as necessary. I don’t think it was,” said D. Bučas.

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