Lauras Lučiūnas spoke about the COVID-19 case against MAMA and the police inspection


Onlookers had many questions about how to keep the correct distance, protective masks. There were times when swarms of musicians took to the stage and no one was seen wearing masks in the air. In addition, the nominees for the music festival were accompanied by their second half. All of this gave the impression of a true red carpet celebration.

“Double standards”, both viewers and health experts or celebrities said after the celebration. These days, the number of infected is increasing and the public is urged to be home. But until others can leave their municipality without explanation, they see a picture of a real party on the screen.

The other side has emerged in this situation. Perhaps with the help of testing, MAMA was an example of a new beginning for a culture that has come to adapt to the coronavirus?

Music producer Lauras Lučiūnas spoke about the situation on Lietuvos Rytas’ television show Nauja diena.

“The situation cannot be unambiguously assessed, but I think it is time for a debate. How will we continue to live? We need to learn to live in reality and it seems to me that MAMA has played that role by showing how safe and well a broadcast can be done.

Regarding the echoes, part of the public has had some criticism, but we have more support. The critical part of society seems tired to me to this day, MAMA is a great event in a musical sense and of course it is very visible. So a lot of people trust that example, ”said L. Lučiūnas on the show.

Before the event, it was announced that only nominees and award providers would participate in the awards. All participants in the celebration had a negative rapid test for the COVID-19 antigen. A positive test was also recorded just before the event. The man was immediately isolated and, of course, did not enter the arena.

“We cannot reveal our identities. As you know, before entering the arena venue where the filming took place, everyone had to have a negative COVID-19 test. Each participant was tested and separate conditions were created: they were invited to the premises. , to professional medical personnel.

A case was registered and, of course, the man was not admitted, he had to isolate himself urgently. It happened early in the morning when times were set for when and who should arrive. Even the personnel who build the equipment are tested. They do their job and leave. Then disinfection takes place. That was how all the action went.

One case was identified early in the morning and the problem was resolved. Everyone else could feel safe once in space. That requires proof, ”Lauras said.

Police said they received dozens of calls during the live broadcast about what they thought were quarantine violations. Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė announced that organizers will have to take responsibility if it is established that those quarantine requirements have been violated. Have Laura or other organizers been contacted so far?

“The police approached us the same day of the broadcast: they called, they came. I think I did a great job responding immediately to messages. But I just want to assure you that most of those messages from the population came when archival footage was shown where it was possible to see that the room was full.

And in this case, during the live broadcast, there were only nominees and vendors in the room. Basically, not all the musical numbers were broadcast live. They were filmed a few days ago. Of course, I’m glad I managed to give the impression that everything is going live, but I have to be sad because all the numbers were filmed in advance, “he said.

L.Lučiūnas says that in this situation, according to him, everything was done perfectly.

“I had to organize and participate in a lot of filming. The last big shoot we had was in Germany. The same is done there by analogy, so we based on that example. I would say that their requirements are even a little lower, but in the case of MAMA, they have been significantly strengthened even more than required by the recommendations. Of course, the popular has to react, say something. The fact is that this is a current issue: it is the job of politicians to have an opinion, “he said.

During the awards, one of the artists invited all the nominees to the stage. There were quite a few people on stage at the time. Also, they were all without masks.

“You have to remember that the quarantine of performers has never ended. Some have relaxed during the summer, but have been inactive for years. Clearly, maybe the joy will spill over the edges. Those moments took place … In such a large space, people felt safe. And maybe set the wrong example, but I don’t think we should condemn them. His emotional state is currently in a particularly difficult situation. Many musicians got caught up in it. But they work together, like people sit in offices or factories. The same goes for these. So I don’t think they should be tested. I think we should start a discussion: maybe this is what broadcasts should be like? Lauras considered.
