Kaunas district leaders say “no” to planned gravel mine off the coast of Nemunas


Decorated the party with fireworks.

There are two rows of plastic household waste containers in the common courtyard of 6th and 8th St Simkaus Streets and 5th and 7th Herkaus Manto Streets, behind the former “Prussia” restaurant.

Once upon a time they were locked up. Employees of the restaurants that operate on Herkaus Manto Street closed the containers after littering.

Later, there were no locks left, but someone took it upon themselves to build a roof over the containers.

It goes, then to the people who live next door and the restless days and nights began.

Not in the Soviet era, we are free for everyone to live how they want.

“That place has become a veritable colony of homeless people. Constantly spending time between three and 10 homeless people. And why not? Find food in containerized restaurants, it does not rain on your head, the sun is not hot All the quarantine when people were urged not to leave home away and wear protective gear, they slept there and growled. They drank openly. It was scary even to reach the containers, “said Anastasia, who lives in one of the houses in this patio.

Together with her husband, the young woman discussed if anyone knew about their health, what diseases they could be suffering from and if they were infected with COVID-19.

Klaipėda recalled the horror of early spring, when the homeless people found unused fireworks in the container and set them on fire.

At first, the pyrotechnic cartridges collapsed in the sky and began to scatter on the walls and windows of the nearest house.

The windows seemed to stay healthy, the homeless people showed great joy and the inhabitants crumbled and fell silent.

Fun: The trio drank a bottle of beer on Sunday night. (Photo by Mikhail Andriyanov)

Do the authorities have to take care of the rollers?

On Sunday night, several Klaipeda residents spoke as they watched three other homeless people drunk by containers in the yard.

At the time, a woman who had been begging every day on Herkaus Manto Street for a year and two of her drinkers were sitting next to the containers.

The heads-up trio allowed a plastic beer bottle.

When they saw the photographic lenses aimed at themselves, they declared: wherever they want, they drink there. Supposedly it does not interfere with anything and does nothing wrong.

Quickly, from the mouth of these intoxicated people, the government was reproached for allegedly not providing them with work or housing.

The non-Lithuanian-speaking man opened up after having worked as a sailor all his life, sailing out to sea, and when he divorced his wife, he also lost his home. The son lives in Germany, but is not allowed to communicate with him.

Now, at 60, he supposedly doesn’t expect to get a job.

The man admitted that he often sleeps in the hostel at night.

Papozavo: The lady wanted to take a photo of the memory with a friend. (Photo by Daiva Janauskaitė)

Children are not released alone

Families who had bought expensive homes in the city center spoke of the fact that homeless people were reluctant to leave their yard.

Who knows, maybe their cars will be damaged overnight, or maybe women and children will be affected.

Even if the destitute could be found guilty, they would not be compensated.

Anastasia, who is raising a seven-year-old daughter, is trying to teach the boy independence. The woman is considering asking the girl to take out the trash, but knowing that she could face homeless people, she can’t even think about it.

Once in the store, one of the regular visitors to the wastebasket began to talk to his son and even held out his hand to the girl. The mother was quick to protect her daughter from harassment by a man who not only drank alcohol.

Another young family assured them that they would not allow one of their daughters to enter the courtyard.

An elderly resident of S.Šimkaus Street admitted that he carried trash bags to another patio, far from home, just because he was homeless, so that he would not have to meet these uninvited “guests”.

Asylum: Often in the morning, residents find homeless people sleeping near the bins, and those who want to dump trash have to cross it. (Photo of the population)

Drowning in the dark at night

The patio in question is not illuminated and has no lights. In the cold season, it has drowned in darkness since night.

Only the voices of homeless people fighting betray where the containers are. People often try to get rid of their trash by taking it somewhere else, and are afraid of encountering tramps entangled in the dark.

Due to the horrible neighborhood, not all the residents of the surrounding houses are quiet.

One of them, who often worked in a garage in the same yard during quarantine, called the police whenever he saw homeless people drink.

The officers entered, checked to see if the police did not mention them as wanted, and left.

To the surprised residents, officials explained, “We live in a free country, whoever wants to live that way.”

And on Sunday, officials spoke to a company of homeless people and left, they had already had a bottle of beer, two men and a woman made no noise, and the law did not prohibit sitting next to the garbage.

He imposed many fines

People who live closer to container shelters are not only outraged by alcohol consumption for the homeless. They had to scratch their wallets a couple of times when they found a line on the bills to remove the trash from the yard.

After all, homeless people are dragging all kinds of old furniture and even sofas, further clogging the container lot.

Saulius Valiulis, chief of the Control and Prevention Branch of the Klaipeda Municipality Public Order Division, admitted that homeless people in the courtyard between Herkaus Manto and S.Šimkaus streets are also the concern of the division headed by him .

Saulius Valiulis / Photo by Vytautas Petrikas

Often officials visit and communicate with the homeless, imposing fines on them. If someone were to calculate how many have already been allocated and how many have not been paid, they would be surprised.

Obviously, such a way to suppress these characters is pointless, because those people are not fined.

The patio is very narrow.

“The only way out is to remove the roof over the containers. Not only we, but also the National Land Service, the Building Inspection, Vitite Valdas, we investigated who installed it and who owns the property. It seems that it is not the building of nobody “, suspected S. Valulis.

Irena Šakalienė, head of the city’s administration department, assured that the roof will be demolished in about a couple of weeks. It is difficult to predict a more accurate date, as many unnecessary building demolitions are currently underway.

Residents have repeatedly asked municipal specialists if underground containers could be installed in the yard.

Perhaps some time ago, an official had orally hinted to attractive residents that in a couple of years, they could expect to see underground waste bins instead of plastic wheeled bins in the yard.

Yesterday, Giedrė Budreikaitė, the chief specialist of the municipal Environment Department, denied this hope.

It turns out that there is very little space in the yard for underground containers to pop up, and the huge machines that hold them just can’t get in and turn around in a narrow yard.

Semi-underground would also spoil the aesthetic image.

Until now, it is completely unknown how or when the waste management problem in this yard will be solved.

There are considerations to install a larger site suitable for the city center near the intersection of S.Šimkaus and Vytauto streets, where there is now a meadow.

If this plan will come true, no one can respond yet.

Grids saved the markets

“These homeless people were already evicted by the Vaiva supermarket administration when the banks were removed. They moved to containers near the store and entered our yard.” I can’t go out, “said an elderly resident of Klaipeda.

S.Valiulis partially supported this man. After all, the same homeless people were evicted from the “Iki” store in M. Mažvydas Alley, when the managers of the pharmacy and the turkey store tried to block the windowsills with bars.

Only then were homeless people forced to leave this favorite place as well.

“There is no other way out yet, just to destroy places where it is convenient for the homeless. After all, the state has created all possible institutions to help those people. There are shelters, social services and employment. It is not the era We are free to live as we wish. My head, the problem of homelessness, which is relevant not only for Klaipėda, can now only be solved by politicians, “said S. Valulis.

And Klaipeda residents, who live in expensive apartments and pay sizable taxes to the state, hope that the old problem is at least partially resolved as soon as the roof of the containers is removed.
