Skvernelis crossed the shadow government led by Karbauskis: if it continues, it will not be of much interest to anyone


Following the agreement of the opposition factions signed by the peasants and workers, former Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis became the leader of the opposition. He visited the Current Conversations program “Section of the Day”.

He spared no bitter words to the shadow government

According to S. Skvernel, the peasant and worker factions see much in common where they could work together. According to the politician, the signatories of the agreement will jointly draft bills, oppose the initiatives of the rulers and defend the rights of members of the opposition.

“Since the beginning of the term, these attempts have been made to show the opposition their place,” Skvernelis said.

Peasants and workers have signed an opposition agreement: they promise to protect the family and traditional values

He said he hoped a third opposition group would join the deal, the Social Democrats, who, according to S. Skvernel, were already informally coordinating positions with peasants and workers.

“I think it is good that the rulers have a strong enough opposition. The most important thing is that it is a constructive opposition,” said the opposition leader.

The peasant-worker pact is not the only counterweight to the rulers who were born in the opposition. The peasants formed a shadow government, which was led by the party leader Ramūnas Karbauskis.

Ramūnas Karbauskis. Aurelijus Veryga “target =” _ self “rel =” nofollow “target =” _ blank “> Eugenijus Jovaiša.  Ramūnas Karbauskis.  Aurelijus Veryga

However, in the shadow cabinet, we do not see many members of the Government of the last legislature who entered the Seimas with the peasant flag. Linas Kukuraitis, Lukas Savickas, Algirdas Stončaitis and S. Skvernelis themselves do not carry the portfolio of shadow ministers. The latter is somewhat critical to the shadow cabinet.

“It just came to our attention then [nei opozicijos susitarimo]. It is a pity, of course, that the mission is not taken advantage of. A shadow government is one that offers an alternative government program and opposes the government of the day.

It is very important to do that. It seems to me that it is very important not to create any of your own projects, knowing that they have no chance of being accepted, ”S. Skvernelis criticized the shadow government.

Saulius Skvernelis

According to the former prime minister, the objective of the shadow government is to make the decisions made by the royal cabinet, oppose them, if necessary, and offer alternative solutions.

“It just came to our attention then. If the shadow government presents some of its own projects that are not of much interest to anyone, it is clear that such cooperation is difficult. <...> It is important that they find that niche in shadow government, whatever their purpose. <...> Do not hold meetings of this type, which generate those issues that are not feasible, “said the opposition leader.

However, S. Skvernelis stated that he would see a gender perspective in the shadow government, if he constructively opposed the royal government.

“But if it is done as a platform to say something, it may not be very interesting to someone in the future what they are saying,” he said.

Offers to open theaters

On Thursday, S. Skvernelis circulated a public speech to the current head of government, Ingrid Šimonytė, on her Facebook account. He proposes starting a normal life and, as a first step, opening theaters for those who have acquired immunity.

“It just came to our notice then. The situation is complicated, especially psychologically, people have almost a year to isolate themselves from a variety of cultural events. The theater is a very significant place where there really is an opportunity to ensure safety by keeping a distance. safe, wearing protective gear, having immunity and even more testing.

It would definitely be a step and help art people to return to their beloved activities, and all fans who want to go to theaters would have that opportunity, ”said S. Skvernelis.

In his opinion, this would be one of the motivations for people to follow the still quite strict quarantine regime.

Movement would not be prohibited

On Friday morning, the government decided to extend the quarantine until the end of April. In addition, the movement of the population will be restricted during Easter, since the movement restrictions in Lithuania have been extended until April 6 inclusive.

At the first meeting of the Government - tightening of quarantine

Before this decision of the Cabinet of Ministers an interview with S. Skvernelis took place. However, the former prime minister said that I. Šimonytė would consider banning the movement between some municipalities.

“Focusing on the main chimneys that are the most flammable today. However, I would not really think about absolute insurance for the entire country, “said S. Skvernelis.

Police post in Nemenčinė

It also suggests to the Government that it be very clear that everyone can choose a family farm, properly declare it and have the opportunity to visit it. According to S. Skvernelis, this is especially true for single people.

“There are several hundred thousand people who should already have one Easter, Christmas and now only the second Easter. They are really difficult and psychological moments, “said the opposition leader.

Managing a pandemic sees pros and cons

S. Skverelis acknowledges the efforts of Prime Minister I. Šimonytė and Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis to manage the pandemic, but notes that they are succeeding “in various ways”.

“I have repeatedly mentioned some more decisive solutions [trūkumą] and learning from those mistakes that were also made in our time. They are seen very accurately in some places, especially when it comes to making quick and non-standard decisions, for fear of doing so.

Sometimes hard-to-explain decisions are made about how to stop vaccinations. There are many pros and cons. I can’t say that everything is very, very badly done. We are trying, but each one of us is such that we have to climb our rake, regardless of what others have done and what mistakes they have made, ”said S. Skvernelis.

Arūnas Dulkys

In his opinion, the situation is not what many expected and the promises that the Government had shared.

“It is very bad that those promises are sometimes unreasonably shared, then you change your mind or, worst of all, you are afraid to make decisions. Very often we hear that the Government has not made a decision and that it will do so in the near future. It brings a certain amount of confusion, chaos and mistrust to the executive branch, “said S. Skvernelis.

For information on whether S. Skvernelis would incorporate I. Šimonytė’s ministers into his government, what mistakes he admits he made in the fall, and what the opposition leader thinks about national minority and association laws, see the rest of the ” Section of the day “. video, which can be found at the beginning of the text.
