V.Urbonas evaluated the first competitor of the selection: “Swiss watch well combined” | sports


It will also be an opportunity for the Lithuanians to recover after a painful defeat in the control showdown with the Kosovo national team, when the opponents lost 0: 4.

Before the game, a traditional press conference was held, where Lithuanian national team coach Valdas Urbonas shared his thoughts.

“The start of the World Championship qualifiers is waiting, a really serious and strong opponent is waiting. Of course, if I were to compare the Swiss national team, I could say that it is a well-matched Swiss watch that is really optimally tuned. .

The team attacks well, defends well and finds weak points, finding where to impose its game is quite difficult, but nevertheless, in each duel, in each meter of the square, we will try to fight and do it so that it is not easy. for opponents. Much will depend on the psychological state of mind, but I hope that we will play with honor ”, said V. Urbonas before the game.

VIDEO: Thoughts of V. Urbonas and T.Švedkauskas

The Swiss have already started their qualifying problems: on Thursday night they defeated the Bulgarian eleven 3: 1 at the start. Interestingly, the guests solved all the problems in the first 15 minutes of the match, when they scored all their goals.

“As practice shows, the first 15 minutes are really important for our team, we can emphasize, but it is often the case that we have to be disappointed when we give our opponents an advantage and miss an early goal. I have high hopes and I believe that tomorrow we will be attentive, focused from the beginning. The beginning is not the whole game yet, we have to stay focused during all the games to be able to play with the Swiss team in an honorable way ”, emphasized the strategist.

In a control showdown with Kosovo, Urbon tried a two-strike scheme, but said he wouldn’t necessarily do it in tomorrow’s game.

“We tried to maybe play with another tactical scheme, but certain losses and player rotations influenced us to adjust, to see how to play better. This does not mean that tomorrow we will play the same tactical scheme that we played with Kosovo ”, emphasized the national coach.

The Swiss national team has been coached by the same coach Vladimir Petkovičius for almost seven years, the core of the team has also been competing in the national team for several years. According to V. Urbon, this allows the team to be even more mature.

“Clearly, I feel that the team is balanced and well adjusted and solves its tasks not only with lower-ranking teams, but, as demonstrated last year, playing with the teams of Germany and Spain.

This is definitely a team that can boldly claim to be in the top 20, the team really has few bites, it makes a very good impression, so a really serious challenge awaits us, ”said V. Urbonas.
