The epidemiologist warns that without controlling for the small number of cases of the PAR strain, it will be necessary to think about broader restrictions


PAR deformation risks

“The PAR strain was first seen in South Africa in 2020. In October, it was precisely because of its mutation in the viral needle protein that this strain was seen to be somewhat different. It is because of this observation that the so-called British variety was also observed.

Subsequent studies have shown that other PAR mutations are also associated with decreased antibody efficacy. This means that if a strain that does not have this mutation has been vaccinated or relapsed, the antibodies that have been developed will have a more difficult time recognizing the PAR strain and, so far, this is the main reason for their concern ”, presented Dr. Gytis Dudas, an evolutionary epidemiologist-biologist who lives and works in Sweden.

This, according to the researcher, increases the probability of reinfection. According to G. Dudas, it is not yet possible to say whether the symptoms of the PAR strain are different from those of other strains.

“Because the UK had a very efficient sequencing program, they could very easily link clinical data with information on virus strains. That is why we were able to speak with some confidence around 40%. increased diffusion of the British variety. We still do not have that information with the PAR variety, it is not very widespread in Europe ”, he said.

The special envoy of the World Health Organization (WHO) to the European region, Vytenis Andriukaitis, assured that the appearance of the PAR variety in Lithuania is very likely.

Vytenis Andriukaitis

Vytenis Andriukaitis

© Personal album

“Lithuania is very open, there are many travelers, so the forms of development of the virus are quite obvious. On the other hand, Lithuania did not apply the gene sequencing system so intensively, it may be that the detected cases are late. Looking the map of the European Union (EU), both the British variety and the PAR already exist in other countries, it is not unexpected ”, said V. Andriukaitis.

However, according to V. Andriukaitis, it is worth talking about the strengthening of limitations in Lithuania in response to the emergence of the PAR variety, taking into account the very specific epidemiological situation.

“The closure, which has been going on since November 4, has not in itself helped to reduce the number of infected people enough, as it does not use all the other comprehensive measures that need to be applied and applied in a very specific way. in the areas. In fact, there is very little confidence in the municipalities and very little confidence in the activism of society that can be exploited. I think the lack of an integrated management is obvious “, emphasized V. Andriukaitis.

G. Dudas noted that the PAR variety was observed in Lithuania quite early, so the chances of preventing the spread of this variety are very good.

“If we are talking about some kind of adjustment, we are talking about a very intentional and limited adjustment at the moment,” said G. Dudas.

Without controlling for the small number of cases of the PAR strain, according to G. Dudo, it will be necessary to think about broader limitations. He gave an example with the spread of the British strain in Lithuania, when the path to the spread of this strain was not effectively avoided and every time new sequencing data was received we see a sharp increase in the number of infections with the British strain. Pressure.

“Long-term restrictions have a price on human psychology and to what extent they can justify the government’s actions and have patience,” said Dud.

Israel is slowly returning to its normal rhythm of life.

According to Ilona Sakalauskaitė, a Lithuanian resident in Israel, according to the data of the last day, more than 57 thousand missions were carried out in Israel per day. tests, of which just over 900 were positive. He assured that the growth trend of new cases in Israel is decreasing, although the number of serious illnesses and deaths cannot be completely reduced.

The epidemiologist warns that without controlling for the small number of cases of the PAR strain, it will be necessary to think about broader restrictions

© Imago / Scanpix

Still, the return to normal life, according to the Lithuanian living in Israel, is still quite conditional.

“Any release is understood as ‘but if'”. In Israel, schools return, children, kindergartens, the capsules originally used have been practically abandoned, classes are already divided into only two parts, sixteen-year-olds can be vaccinated, so that they can continue their studies and prepare. for high school exams without any risk. <..>

Israel’s Independence Day awaits in mid-April, a week before Holocaust Remembrance Day. Usually there have been grandiose events and parades during these days, so the Ministry of Health is already shouting in advance that we will definitely not allow concerts, but I think the events will definitely not be abandoned. Maybe it’s a bit limited, “said the woman.

I. Sakalauskaitė pointed out that next week will be the biggest celebration of the Jewish year, equivalent to Christmas in Lithuania. There are no travel or celebration restrictions.

When asked what led to a rapid and successful vaccination campaign in Israel, the woman highlighted several aspects.

“Connections, the lack of the need to coordinate one’s actions and plans with something, the financial possibilities, and the anticipation that paying significantly more will pay off in the long run, as the country leaves the shutdown earlier. This step has it was worth it financially, “said I. Sakalauskaitė.

The woman also recalled that there were three extremely strict closures in Israel, with the third coinciding with the start of vaccination.

Demand incomparability of incomparable things

The special envoy of the World Health Organization (WHO) to the European region V. Andriukaitis asked not to compare vaccination in Israel and Europe. According to him, these are incomparable cases.

Associative photo.

Associative photo.

“We should probably agree here on what we are comparing, because if we compare Israel and its population, it would correspond to the number of an EU country.” The EU, meanwhile, has 27 countries. <..> The decision has been made (EU – aut.past.) To jointly purchase, inspect, order and distribute and jointly pursue the volumes of people to be vaccinated. <..>

Let’s take a look at Great Britain and the United States. You will probably agree that the United States has started vaccinating after its administration changed, huge resources were wasted to buy the vaccine and, in the context of the global market situation for vaccines, even supplies were interrupted, “he said.

“In the context of the EU, the agreements that have been signed must be implemented, but the partners that have signed the agreements are not meeting their timetables. Here’s a big problem. If we compare the number of people vaccinated in this context across the EU, one could practically say that the results are about a third lower than planned ”, continued V. Andriukaitis.

It also rejected Lithuania’s ability to buy the vaccine on its own.

“If Lithuania tried to buy on its own, I’m afraid the consequences would be even more diverse. So let’s agree: to compare the capabilities, wealth and ties, contacts of Israel and Lithuania, those countries are not comparable,” He said.

What makes vaccination difficult in Lithuania?

Only 36% of people over the age of 80 have been vaccinated in Lithuania. The vaccination process in our country is relatively slow. According to V. Andriukaitis, inappropriate communication also has a significant impact in this case.

Vytenis Andriukaitis

Vytenis Andriukaitis

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“It should be understood that a public information campaign and communication strategy cannot be defined in a week or two. What’s more, when you see these communication errors, when we say in the morning that we will be vaccinated, in the afternoon we will cancel, then we will wait. a decision, then we will make a decision and run the vaccination again on Monday. <..>

Unfortunately, I don’t see a communication strategy like information campaigns, ”said V. Andriukaitis.

Communication in Israel, according to I. Sakalauskaitė, is really active and effective.

“The streets are full of messages, messages, even calls from polyclinics, health insurance funds, urging them to come for information. There is no shortage of this, and if a person has reasonable or unfounded doubts or questions, they can find answers, ”the Lithuanian-Israeli shared his experience.

I. Sakalauskaitė said that a certain group of people appeared in Israel who did not come to get vaccinated a second time. The main reason they did not go for the vaccine was that they experienced side effects after the first vaccination.

For this reason, as V. Andriukaitis pointed out, people should be informed that certain side effects of the vaccine are completely normal.

“It is necessary to immediately inform people that the vaccine must have side effects. Why? Because that is the nature of it. This is not an aspirin tablet. This is where the antigen, virus, suppressed or just a particle, to provoke the body’s immune response. This is natural, but it is not explained to people, “said V. Andriukaitis about the situation.

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