Šimonytė: We may have bought valuable time to prepare for the next coronavirus crisis


“I think it is worth asking if we will be ready. One version may be that God protected us very much and we were very successful, but the other version may be that we bought very valuable time. And the question is, do we use that time so that, With the next episode and the new restrictions in the fall, let’s already look different from what we looked like in March, “Šimonytė said in the TS-LKD discussion” How did the pandemic change Lithuanian politics? “

The politician believes that in the case of a second wave of coronavirus, most countries would be reluctant to impose severe restrictions because they saw how badly the economy, jobs and people’s incomes were affected. However, I. Šimonytė notes that countries facing the coronavirus crisis behave very differently.

“I think countries behave very differently during this period: someone will strengthen their health systems to withstand much greater pressure. Then you feel much more secure. (…) But it is possible that there are countries that have done nothing while giving money. And then it will always be like the first time: they will see that the situation is the same again, “said the politician, hoping that Lithuania can also take advantage of the lessons of the coronavirus crisis in the future.

ME. Šimonytė also draws attention to the fact that most people, even those of free thought and self-opinion, tend to responsibly comply with the restrictions established by the state. However, according to politicians, the confidence of those people is based on the hope that the coronavirus restrictions will no longer be met in the fall.

“It is good when your freedom goes hand in hand with responsibility, and you diligently adhere to the restrictions on that, but you probably still hope there is some ultimate goal.” And, as I understand it, that ultimate goal is that you know you won’t have to do it in the fall. If it happened that in autumn we would be in the same situation as in March, then we would have saved time and nothing more, ”summarized I. Šimonytė.

Mr. Landsbergis: The question of whether the United States will remain a major superpower after the coronavirus crisis

Conservative leader Gabrielius Landsbergis pointed out in a discussion about the effects of the coronavirus in Lithuania that since the First World War and the Spanish flu superpower, the United States (USA) has remained stable. According to the politician, this state has always become a stabilizer of crises.

Still, the politician raises the question of whether it will remain a superpower even after the coronavirus crisis.

“The United States was the country that brought the world out of almost all crises. I have no doubt that there will be those who say that it has also caused many crises, but large bodies often do the same, create gravity around them and the question of if they then classify the world around them in some way and stabilize everything, “said G. Landsbergis.

“It just caught my eye then. And this is a reasonable question, during which we can take a little and doubt whether the United States really seems like a superpower today, that it will offer a solution to the world,” he added.

Landsberg said he wanted to believe that the United States would handle the crisis on time and offer a solution to the world. Still, the conservative leader emphasizes that when the power of the super-state is questioned, new political leaders emerge.

“What happens when we begin to doubt the possibility of a superpower to create that gravitational field that would somehow stop all moving bodies around that gravitational field under gravitational limits?

New bodies emerge and begin to rotate around him. Is the European Union the body to stabilize the situation today? Landsbergis asked, noting that the European Union’s efforts to manage the crisis did not seem very successful at first.

“I want to believe that the United States will come out of this minor winner, because otherwise we are turning to a page that will probably only start now. If the United States does not stabilize, it does not show that it remains the center of power (ELTA), then it will probably I can say that there is a revision of the order formed after the Second World War, that will review the world, the new alliances, the new divisions and how Lithuania must abide by it here, ”said the politician.

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