Laurinavičius: Russia launches huge disinformation campaign against AstraZeneca vaccine


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Spread propaganda

Vladimir Zhirinovsky was very unhappy with Volodymyr Zelensky’s statement.

“The president of Ukraine is a fool. How can this be? The whole world wants our vaccine and this fool will not experiment. There is a queue next to us. We cannot fly planes with our vaccine all over the world.” , who have delivered the survival vaccine, are greeted with tears in their eyes, “V. Zhirinovsky told the Russian media.

And this news from Moscow about Sputnik V has circulated not only to 140 million Russians, satellite states, but also to all countries that watch Russian channels. The Kremlin’s message is clear and simple: Sputnik V is the best vaccine in the world, and all the others are deadly dangerous. Russia’s top politicians are involved in this spate of propaganda.

“Our vaccine is the best in the world. We were the first to achieve it and all of Russia needs to recover. In America, we feel sorry for them, but millions will die there. And our result is the best,” V. Žirinovskis said on a program.

Russia has left doubts about the AstraZeneca vaccine

Marius Laurinavičius, an analyst for the Russian regime, sees a clear leg in Moscow on the vaccination crisis in Lithuania and other European Union countries. The Kremlin in Europe has managed to implement its plans.

“Since the beginning of the pandemic, it is quite obvious that the Kremlin is carrying out a new operation -” infection “- assured the director of the Vilnius Institute of Political Analysis, analyst M. Laurinavičius.

Russia’s disinformation campaign against the AstraZeneca vaccine has been launched with the very clear aim of fragmenting the unity of the European Union. The second objective is to remove AstraZeneca from the European market as a competitor to the Russian Sputink vaccine.

“Since September last year, immediately after they themselves approved someone else’s unapproved Sputnik vaccine, they launched a huge disinformation campaign against AstraZenec. He is against AstraZenec, explained M. Laurinavičius.

Lithuania is one of the victims of lies

Lithuania has also suffered from the lies spread by Moscow. Trust in AstraZeneca has fallen in the eyes of the people.

Look at the simple facts. Who doesn’t get the most vaccines with AstraZeneca? They are Visaginas, who lives in an absolutely Russian information space, and the Šalčininkai district. This answer is very clear, who else deserves to raise this question ”, assured the analyst.

According to Marius Laurinavičius, now the Kremlin will do everything possible to legalize Sputnik V in as many countries of the European Union as possible.

“There are already at least a few countries that, despite the fact that the European Medicines Agency has not approved this vaccine, are already buying it and transporting it themselves. This is a great victory for the Kremlin.

“There is already a threat, a real threat, because so far there is no confirmation that the Sputinik vaccine is generally effective and harmless, even India has refused to approve it”, M. Laurinavičius is convinced.

See the full report in the video at the beginning of the article.

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