The movement restrictions will go into effect on Saturday, and it will be clear on Monday what will change during Easter.


The government decided this week to extend the quarantine until the end of April and release the restriction on the movement of the population until April 5 at 24:00.

The limits are the same as at Christmas

According to I. Šimonytė, the movement restrictions until the end of Easter will look exactly like during Christmas. The movement of the population together with the helpers will be controlled by the police.

“It will seem like it was seen at Christmas and was seen on weekends. Our authorities, the police, as well as those assisting the police, shooters or other forces will ask people who move from one municipality to another why they move.

If this is a major reason, then of course the move will be allowed. But for those who do not have such important reasons, I strongly recommend that they stay in my home municipality, ”I. Šimonytė told reporters.

In this case, important reasons are considered when people move to the municipality where they live; when moving to another municipality due to the death of close relatives. Furthermore, movement is not restricted when a person moves between municipalities for work, for health care purposes or travels to or from international passenger routes at or from airports, seaports, bus stations.

Movement is also allowed when people living in the adjacent municipalities of Alytus city and district, Kaunas city and district, Klaipėda city and district, Panevėžys city and district, city and Šiauliai district, Vilnius city and district, move between the indicated adjacent municipalities.

Travel is also allowed for other objectively justified imperative reasons, when travel to a municipality other than that of your residence is inevitable.

The restriction does not apply to members of the same family or household who move to a municipality other than their municipality of residence where they have real property.

Police post in Avižieniai: drivers and passengers entering Vilnius are checked

The police are calling to contact them.

At that time, the police advise residents to seek their advice before making any trip to another municipality.

“I appeal to all the neighbors to raise awareness, and if someone desperately needs to go, if there is any doubt about the legality of the trip, the police number has been made public and please call to inquire to find out immediately if it is legal or no, “police told reporters on Friday. General Commissioner Renatas Požėla.

According to him, the police, having detained the residents who were traveling at the checkpoints, will solve all the problems on the spot. According to R. Požėla, the movement restriction will not change anything compared to the recent one: mobile and fixed checkpoints will operate in the country.

“There is nothing very new for us and there will be nothing new for the people of Lithuania. Just taking into account the current situation, the checkpoints, both mobile and stationary, are returning to the accesses to the municipalities again ”, said the Chief of Police.

According to the Commissioner General, priority will be given to resorts, and officials will also pay attention to other possible quarantine violations, such as clusters.

Will consider additional restrictions for Easter

As I. Šimonytė said, the quarantine was extended until the end of April under current conditions, without introducing additional tightening. However, already on Monday, the members of the council of experts who advise the government will meet to discuss what measures to take during the Easter weekend.

“A board of experts will also meet on Monday. We will consider what other safety requirements could be put in place, bearing in mind that the run-up to the holidays is when people are in a rush to buy food in stores, possibly in bulk and in groups. larger, ”I. Šimonytė told the Government meeting on Friday.

The prime minister has not yet started to specify what restrictions they can expect, but it is clear that at least some of them will be related to stores. The cooperation of traders is expected here.

“We really still need to consult and talk to experts, as well as representatives of the companies themselves. We all understand what the pre-holiday periods are like. We have probably seen it more than once: a lot of people want to be in the same place at the same time The areas are limited, the requirements are met, I think, in various ways, “I. Šimonytė told reporters on Friday.

According to her, now not all large establishments can guarantee that their customers meet the required security requirements.

“In really small companies, where there is a small area and it is written very clearly how many people can be on the premises at the same time, the same thing happens. In larger rooms, the controls are not always what we would like.

It will be necessary to discuss and talk about whether additional requirements are needed, or whether it is possible to simply agree on scrupulous compliance with existing requirements, ”commented I. Šimonytė.

Ingrida Šimonytė

New strains of the virus are concerning

Movement restrictions have been lifted and the quarantine extended because the Cabinet of Ministers is concerned about the spread of coronavirus strains in Lithuania – the British and the Republic of South Africa (PAR). It is already clear that the last two varieties have been registered in Lithuania, and the British variety is becoming dominant in some places.

“Let’s try to locate the PAR strain that has already been identified. Several other suspected cases are still under investigation. If we could locate this problem, it would be very good news, ”said I. Šimonytė.

Studies show that the British region is already dominated by the most contagious British strain of coronavirus. In random samples, the deficiency characteristic of the S gene of this strain is 70-80%. cases.

According to data from the Ministry of Health, the highest morbidity in 14 days out of 100 thousand is recorded in the municipalities of Vilnius county. population: in Širvintos district this indicator reaches 744, in Vilnius district – 569, in Vilnius city – 540, in Švenčionys district – 511.

At that time, the overall national average is currently 278 cases per 100,000. population in 14 days.
