There are 816 new cases of infection in Lithuania, 6 people died from COVID-19


Last day 8,496 molecular tests (PCR) and 765 antigens were carried out in the country on suspicion of coronavirus.

The rate of new illnesses in the last 14 days is 100,000. the population reaches 297 cases. The proportion of positive diagnostic tests in the last seven days is 7.8 percent. A total of 212,676 people have fallen ill with COVID-19 in Lithuania since the start of the pandemic.

Statistically recovered and currently 196 thousand are alive. 504 people, 153,211 were healed. Statistically, there are currently 8,424 sick people and the declared number of patients is 51,717.

The Department of Statistics considers that a person declared sick has a confirmed case and the end of the disease has not been confirmed by a doctor. A statistically ill person is one for whom illness has been confirmed in the last 28 days. After this period, the person is considered statistically healthy.

According to the department, the statistical rate of patients may be more accurate to assess the morbidity of the population, since among declared patients there may be cases in which a person is no longer ill but the GP has not confirmed the end of the illness. .

A total of 3,529 people died in Lithuania from COVID-19. 7,150 deaths have been linked to this infectious disease, directly and indirectly.

Hospitals are currently treating 809 COVID-19 patients, 81 of whom are in resuscitation.

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 809 COVID-19 patients, 81 of them in resuscitation, Lithuania Statistics reported Thursday.

Oxygen is added to 690 patients and 45 patients receive artificial lung ventilation.

105 people were hospitalized for COVID-19 per day.

Dark clouds flow over Lithuania. The first swallows appeared, predicting a new wave of coronavirus. Vaccines against the most contagious COVID-19 in the country may be less effective. However, only better immunization will help resist new threats. Epidemiologists are alarmed: the race against time has begun.

People ages 40 to 99 died of COVID-19 last day

Six people died from COVID-19 last day, belonging to groups between the ages of 40 and 99, according to data released by the Department of Statistics on Friday.

All three deaths ranged in age from 90 to 99 years, and one person died in the age groups of 40 to 49, 60 to 69, and 70 to 79 years.

All of these people died in hospitals.

More than 15 thousand people were vaccinated on the last day. persons

9,093 people were vaccinated with the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine last day, and 6,348 people were vaccinated with the second, the Department of Statistics reported on Friday.

A total of 310,915 people were vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine in Lithuania and 143,348 for both.

Of the more than half a million doses of vaccine delivered to Lithuania, 454,299 were used

The police are offended by vaccines

Police Commissioner Renatas Požėla says the country’s COVID-19 vaccination process has “pushed police and other law enforcement agencies to the sidelines.”

According to the police chief, the agents are prepared to carry out the tasks assigned to them by the state in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, but they are unaware of their safety and ask to expedite their vaccination.

“Once again, I want to share that internal community pain, perhaps misunderstandings about our very vaccination, why the Lithuanian police, perhaps like other law enforcement agencies, are still marginalized and it is difficult to say something to the community in this moment”. R. Požėla spoke at the event to present the activities.

Vaccine shipments will increase

Lithuania expects a “significant” increase in Pfizer and BioNTech coronavirus vaccines in April, Aistė Šuksta, representative of Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis, told BNS.

According to A. Šuksta, about 40 percent can be expected in April. growth.

“If there are about 40 thousand now, we can expect about 40 percent. To increase,” he told BNS. He stressed that this is preliminary data based on what the manufacturer is currently providing.

Meanwhile, the shipment scheduled for next week, according to her, should be “very similar” to the shipment received this Monday, when 43.3 thousand arrived in Lithuania. doses of this vaccine.

Updated vaccination priorities

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys signed an order renewing priorities for vaccination against the coronavirus. They include educators, students, mayors, and other groups in society.

Under the new regime, all people who work or provide services in educational institutions will continue to be vaccinated after the vaccination of people 65 years of age or older. This category also includes Lithuanian educators going abroad, self-employed teachers, as well as other people who provide education and other services, including cleaning or providing food, even if they are employees of legal entities other than the institution. educational but have direct contact with students. Or students.

There will also be shots for coaches and graduates, medical students doing practical activities.

After vaccinating this group, participants from Lithuanian diplomatic missions and participants from the Eurovision Song Contest, the Venice Architecture Biennale and high-quality sports competitions abroad were also included.

Vaccines continue to be administered to people under 65 with a variety of chronic conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, as well as those awaiting a donor transplant, among others. People who require constant care, who have special needs and the family members who care for them are then vaccinated and psychiatric patients are treated involuntarily.

The last priority group, before moving to vaccinate the rest of society, are individuals who perform vital state functions and come into contact with others.

This category includes internal service officials: police officers, firefighters, border guards, prison and public security officials, customs officials, and Security Management Service officials. Likewise, the personnel of the National Public Health Center who ensure the control of compliance with the measures of the quarantine regime, the soldiers and recruits and the personnel who attend them.
