Palanga did its best – impressive sized eggs scattered throughout the resort


It is true that the eggs are not manufactured in the usual place this year, on J. Basanavičiaus street. They have traveled all over Palanga, so to see the coastal dwellers and city guests you will find them all over the city. The most persistent “eggs” will still be able to compete for the prize, but all the eggs and tasks will have to be found next to them.

Original thoughts were born in the Center for Culture and Youth of Palanga.

“We wanted to unite business, department of education and events, entertainment. The children participated actively, we received 35 drawings selected from the schools, the commission selected 10 that would look good on the eggs. Unfortunately, we had to wait a year after repainting the eggs, ”says Ringailė Juozapavičiūtė, an employee of the Palanga Culture and Youth Center.

Tautvydas Lubys, who is working with the project, does not hide that this year’s eggs are really exceptional and highly anticipated, because they should have decorated Palanga last year. Unfortunately, the pandemic has taken away that opportunity.

“The eggs were canned, they waited all year. Store in the dark to avoid discoloration. Last year we did a photoshoot by the sea with these eggs. For me personally, my heart rejoices when I see such works, children really draw fairy tales in an original way. There will be a card next to the eggs, an original drawing will be attached, the author of the work will be indicated ”, says T. Lubys.

R. Juozapavičiūtė adds that Palanga’s centennial eggs will be scattered in pine forests, backyards and Love Alley, so they will have to be searched, well, and the most careful “eggs” will also play the game.

All eggs can be found using the map or the Walk15 mobile app.

“Those who want to find everyone will use the application that shows the route. People will see a ribbon next to each egg among the fir branches, and a word will be written on it. After collecting all the words, an excerpt from the poem will appear. After reading it and finding out who the author of the poem is, you have to take a photo of my favorite egg and send it to us. We will choose the winner and he will be awarded. This game is an incentive to get to know Palanga; We chose the route so that the whole family could walk. Most of the people are now on the screens, and here is an invitation to go for a walk, ”says R. Juozapavičiūtė.

Artist Gintaras Lapas, who moved children’s drawings onto giant eggs, says it was very difficult to choose which works would decorate Palanga.

“At the Commission we choose to make the works as diverse as possible: one more graphic, the other more picturesque. There are a variety of styles and a variety of color solutions. Lots of modern variations that we wouldn’t have even thought of. For example, in the fairy tale “Jūratė and Kastytis”, Kastytis is drawn on a surfboard. There are many such interpretations, children imagine fairy tales differently from us, they no longer feel touched by antiquity, they look through the modern prism. There are many artists growing up in Palanga ”, shares G. Lapas.

The artist, who moved the children’s works on two-meter eggs, worked for several months. It will be possible to develop child labor on the Eggs of the Century as of March 27. until April 11.

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