R. Karbauskis addressed I. Šimonytė: he reminded him of the promise he had made to him


As noted in the report distributed by the peasants, the speech to the Prime Minister was motivated by the fact that Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys, who was invited to the shadow government meeting on Wednesday, did not find time to visit the farmers.

“At this difficult time for our country, it is important to focus on rational actions and decisions, not on emotions and disrespect. In response to the current shadow government, you said that the government under your leadership appreciates the possibility of constructive discussions with any participant in the political field and in any form, if this allows Lithuania to seek the best solutions. We hope that this provision will remain valid in the future, “writes R. Karbauskis in the letter.

“We believe this is more of a coincidence than a tendency to shut down and not cooperate at such a difficult time for the country. We hope to have the good will and willingness of your Government to listen, not to avoid dialogue. For this reason, once again we offer cooperation, we are open and benevolent, we expect the same from you, because with joint actions we can achieve many more benefits for our country ”, writes R. Karbauskis to I. Šimonyte.

As I. Šimonytė said in an interview with Elta in February, the Cabinet of Ministers headed by her is determined to work with the shadow peasant government.

He also addressed the spokesperson for the Seimas.

R. Karbauskis also addressed the president of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, who hinted this week that the rulers of the shadow peasant government had not received constructive help.

According to the report distributed by the peasants, and in this case R. Karbauskis regrets. Only in this case that the Secretary of the President of the Seimas does not carry out its work and does not provide information and comments and proposals from the shadow Government.

“Seeing that the president of the Seimas lacks information, the shadow prime minister has instructed the shadow Cabinet Secretariat to send all the material prepared by the ministers not only to I. Šimonyte, but also to the president of the Seimas “. the report said.

A. Dulkys refused to attend the shadow government meeting

As the farmers who established the Shadow Cabinet of Ministers said on Wednesday, they wanted to invite Minister A. Dulkis to their meeting to discuss the measures taken by the Government during the pandemic and vaccination plans. However, despite the time agreed on several occasions, he refused to attend and did not delegate another representative from the ministry in his place.

Commenting on the minister’s position, A. Dulkis spokesperson Aistė Šuksta told Eltai that the minister was always ready to answer questions from parliamentarians, as set out in the Statute of the Seimas, but during a tense pandemic it’s really not easy.

“The Minister of Health complies with the Constitution, the laws and the Statute of the Seimas. Therefore, due to the busy schedule, the Minister does not have the opportunity to participate in the formats created by the separate parties or other organizations, which do not they are in no way defined in the Statute of the Seimas, ”A. Šuksta told Eltai.
