In Lithuania – 769 new cases of coronavirus, 4 patients died, a very important indicator is deteriorating


During the last day, 769 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Lithuania. In total, COVID-19 has already been registered in the country for 211,804 people. There are currently 8016 patients.

Another 4 patients died on Wednesday. The virus has already claimed 3,521 victims in Lithuania.

Incidence of coronavirus infection in the last 14 days 100 thousand. the population reaches 278.8 cases.

516 people recovered from the coronavirus in the last day.

196,067 people have already recovered from COVID-19.

The first dose of the vaccine was administered to 11,156 people on Wednesday. The second dose of the vaccine was received by 4,891 people on Wednesday.

In Lithuania, 300,811 people were vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine. A total of 136,777 people had already received the second dose of the vaccine.

In Lithuania, 437,588 vaccines have already been used.

7694 PCR samples were analyzed during the previous day. A total of 2,263,054 samples have already been analyzed.

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 794 COVID-19 patients, 92 of them in resuscitation, Lithuania Statistics reported Thursday.

Oxygen is added to 658 patients and 49 patients receive artificial lung ventilation.

95 people were hospitalized for COVID-19 per day.

A total of 211 thousand COVID-19 patients in Lithuania have fallen ill since the start of the pandemic. 804 people.

According to the declared data, 51 thousand people are still sick. 290 infected, but it is statistically estimated that 8016 people should be sick.

Four people died from COVID-19 last day, between the ages of 70 and 89, according to data released by the Department of Statistics on Thursday.

Three of the dead were between 80 and 89 years old and one between 70 and 79 years old.

All of these people died in hospitals.

The Statistics Department notes that the number of deaths per day is preliminary and can be replaced with records delayed within a few days.

A total of 3,521 people died in Lithuania from COVID-19. 7,124 deaths are directly and indirectly related to this infectious disease.

Most of the deaths from COVID-19 (1,267 people) were in the age group 80-89 years. The four dead were between 20 and 29 years old.

When to vaccinate graduates?

The number of beds occupied by COVID-19 patients in the Vilnius region is growing rapidly. Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė says the government will consider in the coming days whether the quarantine should be stricter, taking into account the risk of increased movement of people during the Easter holidays and the spread of the South African virus. The Catholic Church stopped worshiping with the faithful in Vilnius city, Vilnius district, Švenčionys district and Visaginas municipalities.

The Minister of Health, Arūnas Dulkys, presented to the Government his intentions to include all employees and graduates of the education system, children’s trainers, shop employees and representatives of Lithuania in Eurovision in the list of priorities for vaccination. The vaccination procedure should be formally changed by ministerial order in the near future.

With the backlog of AstraZeneca vaccines, some municipalities are inviting priority groups to come in for vaccination without prior registration. In Širvintos district, this procedure was applied on Tuesday, Klaipėda plans to organize a “live queue” for vaccination on the weekend. Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius held a press conference in which he called on the government to provide more vaccines to the capital.

Dangerous variety

The circumstances of the disease in people infected with the South African strain are unknown, the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) said on Tuesday.

As Justina Petravičienė, a representative of the center, told BNS, the first case was established for a person living in the Kėdainiai district.

“The disease was confirmed on March 2. The person experienced specific symptoms of COVID-19. He is already cured now. The epidemiological investigation of the person’s infection could not be established, he did not indicate that he had visited abroad,” said a NVSC representative.

“The second case was registered for a person living in Vilnius. The disease was confirmed on March 8. He felt the characteristic symptoms of COVID-19. At this point, the person is fine. The epidemiological study could not establish the circumstances of the infection and the person did not indicate that he had been visiting abroad, “he added.

According to J. Petravičienė, three family members had contact with the first infected person, all of them were also confirmed with the COVID-19 disease. They are so good right now.

Two family members had contact with the second infected person. One of them has also been diagnosed with COVID-19 and has yet to recover.

Both people infected with this strain belong to the age group of 40 to 49 years.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė warned that due to this variety, which is considered more resistant to vaccines, it may be necessary to tighten the quarantine.

Grim predictions of a pandemic

Mindaugas Stankūnas, a professor at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, says that according to the most likely scenario, starting in mid-April, 1,000 people will be registered in Lithuania every day. new cases of COVID-19.

“The average scenario shows an increase in cases in Lithuania, which by mid-April may exceed a thousand. the limit of new cases per day. In fact, this scenario is the most likely, ”M. Stankūnas said at a press conference on Tuesday.

He said it after the meeting of the Council of Health Experts of the Presidency with the country’s head Gitan Nauseda.

“While this would seem like an increase, we think it would be a very good option, given all the circumstances, the situation in other countries and the like,” said the professor.

Vaccinations and weekends

Agreements have been made with municipalities to vaccinate people on weekends, the Health Ministry said on Tuesday.

According to the report, it was agreed in a remote meeting with the mayors of cities and districts, municipal coordinators and representatives of the health institutions that organize vaccination, that the vaccination of the population would also take place on weekends.

According to the ministry, this “means that it would increase the rate of vaccination, which would speed up the public immunization process and allow a faster start of quarantine releases or even a return to normal life.”

“War has no holidays, and today not only Lithuania, but also the whole world is in the fight against COVID-19. We all want to go back to a normal life; We won’t be able to do it until the majority of the population has been vaccinated. For this reason, we have great confidence in the municipalities and we are happy with their determination to review the vaccination processes so that people are also vaccinated on weekends ”, says the Chancellor of the Ministry Jurgita Grebenkovienė.

According to her, each municipality is unique and it is the local government that best knows the resources and opportunities available. The chancellor expressed his hope that the municipalities show leadership and begin to vaccinate the population as of next weekend.

Typically weekend vaccination rates drop from a few thousand to a few hundred or tens.

Mandatory tests

The Seimas allowed the government to force employees in certain areas to get regular tests for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Parliament approved the following amendments to the law on the prevention and control of communicable diseases on Tuesday. 75 members of the Seimas voted for them, 14 against and 28 deputies abstained.

The amendments are expected to go into effect on March 26. They will still have to be signed by the head of the country Gitanas Nausėda.

The amendments allow the Government, in the event of an emergency or quarantine, to establish a list of jobs and areas of activity in which employees can work only after prior assessment and subsequent periodic assessment of the disease.

An employee who refuses to verify or fails to do so for very important reasons, depending on the nature of the job, will be assigned to work remotely or will be transferred to another job at the same workplace.

If such opportunities are not available, you will be suspended without pay until the day you are tested for a contagious disease.

Preparing for the influx of patients

Hospitals in the Vilnius region are preparing for the growth of COVID-19 patients, but thanks to testing and vaccination, the spread of the virus among employees is expected to be prevented, says Aušra Bilotienė-Motiejūnienė, director of management of Santara Clinics.

“We are definitely preparing, we have plans, we have had the second wave, where we actually had probably the maximum number of beds possible,” he told a news conference Tuesday.

“We are also looking at where we can expand in the region and what number of beds. We also have a plan, we have spoken with certain regional institutions and already today we have additional newly opened units not only in Vilnius,” said A. Bilotienė-Motiejūnienė.

The number of COVID-19 beds in the hospital has been increasing for about a week, the number of patients is increasing: the occupancy of resuscitation beds has increased from 55 to 70% in a couple of weeks, as well as the occupancy of other beds. job. An average of 25 to 35 patients end up in a hospital in the Vilnius region per day.
