What restrictions will remain after quarantine is lifted?


Border control

Control of the cross-border movement of power will continue, and the arrival of scheduled flights and ferries to Lithuania from countries affected by the coronavirus will be restricted. Only nationals and legal residents of the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation, the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom who enter their country of residence will be admitted if they have COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) in their country during the last 14 calendar days . it did not exceed 25 cases per 100,000. population. The Head of State Emergency Operations will publish a list of these countries weekly.

Inspections will be carried out at airports, the Klaipeda sea port and five crossing points on the European Union (EU) external border with Belarus and Russia: the temperature of arrivals will be measured and will be mandatory within 48 hours. Complete the passenger card by registering electronically or by completing a paper form. 14 days of isolation are recommended for all people arriving from these countries; it will be possible to obtain a certificate of incapacity for work if the obligatory isolation is accepted. From others, i. and. coronavirus free countries [BS1] There are no restrictions on arrivals. They are informed and advised on what to do if symptoms develop. There are no controls on passengers crossing the EU’s internal borders (Latvia, Poland).

Restrictions on economic activity.

A safe distance of 2 meters must be maintained in the public service and in commercial places (it may be less if there is a partition or if personal protective equipment is used), the distances in the queues must be at least 1 meter, the Carts and bags must be disinfected in commercial places, workers and customers must keep their hands hygienic. The employer must prohibit a person from working if they have symptoms of illness or if isolation is assigned to them. Visitors and staff are encouraged to wear personal protective equipment (face masks, protectors, respirators, gloves, etc.).

Leisure and entertainment venues should also have distances of at least 1 meter, mandatory disinfection of facilities, observance of hand hygiene, and it is recommended that employees wear personal protective equipment. Work is prohibited for workers with symptoms or if assigned isolation. The same restrictions apply to the operation of gambling houses (casinos) and slot machines, bingo halls.

Catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, bars, discos and other entertainment venues) have a safe distance of 2 meters between people sitting at tables (there may be less if partitions are provided), disinfection of facilities, hygiene hands (washing and / or disinfection). Workers are prohibited from working if they have symptoms or are assigned isolation, and personal protective equipment is recommended. There is no restriction on the provision of food in public catering establishments (buffet, buffet), there is no longer a restriction on working hours.

The number of participants and / or spectators allowed for cultural, entertainment, sports or other events from June 17. increased to 150 people indoors and 700 outdoors, and since July 1. until July 16. – up to 200 closed spaces and up to 1,000 open spaces. Artists, organizers and service personnel are not included in this amount. From June 17. the closed spaces cannot be filled more than 50%, the places of the participants (spectators) must be organized according to a chess principle. The government undertakes to increase the number of participants and / or spectators in stages, taking into account the epidemiological situation. Events must be organized and carried out in accordance with the conditions governing the management of human flows, safety distances and the use of other measures necessary for the protection of public health, hygiene and personal protection.

Restrictions on public and administrative services.

The removal of the quarantine will not restrict educational activities if the necessary conditions for the protection of public health, hygiene and the provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment are ensured. In all cases, facilities must be disinfected, hand hygiene must be observed, and employees of educational institutions should not work if they have symptoms of the disease or are assigned isolation. If the established conditions cannot be met, the educational activities continue remotely.

Social service institutions must also comply with all the necessary conditions for the use of equipment for the protection of public health, hygiene and personal protection: disinfection, hand hygiene, etc. Work is prohibited for workers with symptoms or if assigned isolation.

Health care institutions must have a plan for the renewal of services, and visitor flows must be managed according to the procedure established by the head of the institution. Remote services will continue to be promoted, allowing them to choose the method of healthcare delivery that best meets the patient’s expectations. Healthcare facilities must strengthen infection control, provide and use personal protective equipment, and provide a testing strategy.
