Rasa, who buried his father, cannot recover: he will never forget his behavior in this Lithuanian hospital


Rasa said it all started 3 years ago. The woman’s father had heart and blood vessel disorders, underwent bypass and stenting. Although the man eventually received treatment, even then problems arose with the hospital.

“He was admitted to the Panevėžys Hospital only about 6 times, because he always drops medicines and releases them. Then he was placed in the room by the doctor himself in that room. I do not remember the last name, but thank you very much”, the woman began the story .

Everything was fine for a few years, but in August the husband had health problems again. According to the woman, the pressure on her father sometimes rose to 240. The woman kept calling an ambulance, but was unable to get adequate help, she said.

A man in a hospital

He refused to be hospitalized

The man’s pressure, even while taking medication, did not subside. The woman suspected that her father was re-clogging the blood vessels, but the doctor who examined the man refused to admit him to the hospital. I was only able to speak to the doctor after long requests, but the conversation was not pleasant.

“The doctor came to the reception and said, ‘What do you want from me?’ I ask him why he didn’t stay in the hospital, he was really wrong. Dad came over, says to Dad: “Go, you’re stupid, sit down and don’t get mad.” I tell him how you can talk to my dad like that. He says, “You’re the same bastard,” because I don’t give him medicine.

I explain that I worry about my dad, I listen to medications and my dad’s doctor wonders why he is not hospitalized. He said that even if we received the referral from the Presidency, it still would not be deposited. We left around 12 at night ”, said Rasa.

The interviewee revealed that during this visit, her father was also called in an unpleasant way by other hospital personnel. She also said that Dad was a very calm person, he did not like to complain, so the behavior of the staff shocked the woman in an unpleasant way.

“When I arrived, I went to see my dad, I asked him what it was. He tells me that they asked him what medications he was taking, he didn’t listen, he didn’t listen to what he was asking, and a doctor says, “he’s stupid, there’s nothing to talk about with him.” medicines ”, the interlocutor shared his experiences.


Other disorders also began

Rasa said that she went to work like every morning and left food for her dad to warm up. When he returned during the lunch break, he was surprised to see that his dad was placing a bowl of soup on the stove and when he walked in, he saw an even stranger image.

“I see that bedding is made at home like never before. He says to me: “Look, here is a woman, here is a second woman, and she goes and your mother is sitting down,” even though my mother is four years old. I turned everything off, closed it so it wouldn’t go anywhere, and went back to work. I’m driving and thinking, sir, what’s going to happen now, ”said the woman.

The woman revealed that she believed it was a unique case. However, the situation only got worse. “Three weeks have passed, I come back from work and he is lying on the floor full of people. I was hoping this was a one-time incident, but he didn’t know me anymore that whole month.

It lasted two weeks until I finally found him down again in early November and he told me I was dying. I called the ambulance, I arrived, he says: “he is an abnormal person, just to tie him to the bed,” revealed the interlocutor.


The woman said she had spent the day in the unknown until she finally learned that her father had been transferred to the cardiology department. He said the cardiologist, who had treated the man three years ago, asked why he had not been brought in earlier.

“She tells me that she can no longer use a stent and that there is no longer a possibility of a bypass, her heart will not last. Everything was late, “said the woman. According to her, the doctor confirmed that the suspicions she had a few months ago were correct: the man was clogged with blood vessels.

Appeared everywhere

The woman said the delay in treatment could also have caused a micro stroke, with the latter potentially leading to inappropriate male behavior. “And they told me in the nursing hospital when I was already shaken that I had suffered a stroke. I ask him where it is written, say, maybe nowhere. You have had dementia in the past, but can a person develop dementia overnight? I don’t think so, “said Rasa.

The man left this world after spending two months in the infirmary. “I practically lost it in two months,” the woman said. A woman frustrated with her father’s treatment revealed that it had been applied almost everywhere.

“I also wrote a complaint to the hospital, I wrote to the minister, to the ministry. Vilnius’ response is to wait for the hospital, and the only response from the hospital is that you do not have the authority to represent your father, he has to write a complaint himself. “What can a man write if he doesn’t even remember my name,” said the woman.

The hospital declined to comment.

On Friday, a request was sent to Panevėžys Hospital asking for comment on the situation at the hospital.

The response sent to the Hospital Panevėžys tv3.lt website on Tuesday indicates that “In order to receive information, the daughter of the deceased patient must present documents that prove the relationship, as required by law, but so far the Hospital has not received these documents. As all information about the patient in the Hospital and their medical data is confidential according to the law, we cannot provide you with more information about this case. “
