Speeds up the vaccination process: vaccines are also agreed with the municipalities on weekends


According to the Chancellor of the Ministry of Health, Jurgita Grebenkovienė, every day is important for the vaccination process.

“War has no holidays, and today not only Lithuania, but also the whole world is in the fight against COVID-19. We all want to go back to a normal life; We won’t be able to do it until the majority of the population has been vaccinated. For this reason, we have great confidence in the municipalities and we are happy with their determination to review the vaccination processes so that people are also vaccinated on weekends ”, says the Chancellor of the Ministry.

According to J. Grebenkovienė, each municipality is unique and it is the local government that best knows the resources and opportunities available. The chancellor expressed his hope that the municipalities show leadership and begin to vaccinate the population as of next weekend.

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