Benediktas Vanagas – on the severe police punishment for Norbe, who drove “monster golf”: I sincerely regret it


The famous racer Benediktas Vanagas also expressed his opinion on the social network, and was approached by motorsport fans interested in the situation. The celebrity, who agreed to share the comment with Delfi’s readers, says he understands the attitude of the police, but Norbert regrets it.

“I wanted to stay away from Monster Golf. However, journalists ask for opinions, it is interesting for some of you. I will not describe the incident in isolation, you will find it on any news portal. The fact that the situation is very ambiguous. Here there are some different images and visions. I am not a referee. I will list what I see.

People involved and the processes and consequences that have taken place (I’m sure it doesn’t make sense here yet. I think it will be taken to court):

– Norbertas Daunoravičius;
– Lithuanian police;
– heavily modified Monster Golf;
– Driving on public roads;
– Violations committed;
– Sanction imposed (€ 225 fine + 12 months disqualification).

NORBE POSITION (as far as I understand):

– I wanted to make an interesting video project;
– Create content for social networks;
– You understand that you have committed faults;
– You do not agree that the penalty should be so disproportionate.


– Violated the requirements of KET items 9, 15, 20, 82, 150.5, 150.8, 150.10, 223;
– Unauthorized alteration of the vehicle;
– Demonstrated superiority over other road users when driving on the streets;
– Ran on the sidewalk – obstructed traffic;
– Used the phone while driving;
– It did not show twists;
– Traffic safety in danger;
– A fine of 225 euros was imposed and the right to drive was revoked for 12 months.


Norbert is an influencer. He has a large circle of people who follow him. Interesting content understandably broadens the circle of followers. Norbert seems to live an interesting life and share it with his surroundings. This is likely to become or be your source of livelihood.

The Lithuanian police recorded violations and imposed a punishment in accordance with the applicable laws.

IMPORTANT: I ​​am sure that in this action the Lithuanian police drew a red line that must not be crossed. It set a precedent and showed what will definitely not be tolerated in the future (fun things that are not safe and not compatible with KET). Consequently, it was not only a statistical formulation of the violation, but also a POLITICAL DECLARATION with which the Police would not accept.

Drawing a line, I think that’s what we should read in this situation.

THAT WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED IF NORBERT had tested his “car” on a closed track (taken there on a trailer or in a special vehicle) and safely filmed content about it for his fans.

Sincerely, I’m sorry Norberto. I understand the attitude of the Lithuanian police.

In other developed countries, the financial penalty is likely to have been significantly higher.
Probably a lesson / message that we should learn. If it weren’t for a big stir, it’s likely to happen again in the future. The police were really able to get the message across and its importance.

I repeat, I am not a referee. I just drew the situation, how I see it from different angles, “wrote B. Vanagas on Facebook.

“Today, the Lithuanian Highway Police Service punished a person who on March 14 for driving hooligan and other offenses of the KET. This vehicle was circulating on the streets of the capital. The driver was fined 225 euros and deprived of the right to drive for 12 months, “police said Monday.

In another entry, officials added that a fine was specifically imposed on the aforementioned citizen. “ The essence of the offense is that, when driving a non-compliant vehicle whose technical characteristics have changed, that is, tractor wheels with tires that protrude from the vehicle’s dimensions (bodywork) have been installed instead of the tires and rims specified by the manufacturer, mobile communication device (phone) with their hands, Vilnius city, Savanorių ave. and Liepsnos st. At the intersection, the front wheels of the car came up and stopped on the sidewalk, when the rear of the car remained on the road (intersection), obstructing pedestrian and vehicle traffic, Savanorių ave. and Naujosios Riovonių street. at the intersection, turning left and changing direction, it did not display turn signal lights. These actions represented a real threat to road safety, health and life for themselves and other road users.

The requirements of items KET 9, 15, 20, 82, 150.5, 150.8, 150.10, 223 have been violated. Liability applied in accordance with Art. 420 of the ANC. 2 d., 415 p. 2 d., 417 p. Parts 1-3, ”Lithuanian police said. Although officials did not name the driver, many Internet users who saw the news immediately knew who he was. This is N. Daunoravičius-Norbe, who posted a video a few days ago and recorded driving his homemade Monster Golf.

The requirements of items KET 9, 15, 20, 82, 150.5, 150.8, 150.10, 223 have been violated. Liability applied in accordance with Art. 420 of the ANC. 2 d., 415 p. 2 d., 417 p. Parts 1-3, ”Lithuanian police said.

Although officials did not name the driver, many Internet users who saw the news immediately knew who he was. This is N. Daunoravičius-Norbe, who posted a video a few days ago and recorded driving his homemade Monster Golf.

Norbe: When I get fined, I want to discipline others.

When Delfi contacted N. Daunoravičius, he made no secret that by creating this video, he felt he might get the attention of officials, but certainly not because of the hooligan’s driving, as he is publicly named.

“In the first place, our idea was not intended for something to appear as written. It has been announced that we have endangered other road users and their lives, and we have not done so at all. First, we tested this vehicle on our territory and we would not even drive on the street if the car was unreliable or if we saw that there was a possibility of breaking down.

Finally, we do not hide anything. We shot a video about it. After all, when you do something wrong, hardly anyone would film. Yes, we committed crimes while filming, like using a phone without headphones while driving, maybe we didn’t show a twist somewhere, but that’s it. And it would be perfectly normal to be punished for it and pay a fine for it, but now all this is classified as hooligan driving ”, the interlocutor was surprised.

“After winter driving on summer tires, no one would call it hooligan driving, so it’s hard for me to understand where it was noticed. We really didn’t want to intimidate, we drove quietly. It is advertised that we wanted to demonstrate our uniqueness to other riders of the road and this is a sign of life-threatening hooligan driving. And I really wouldn’t agree with that. Another big problem is that there is no road in Lithuania. The Lithuanian police themselves have announced that they will make sure there are places wherever possible to test your car, drive it legally, etc. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In the end, it turns out that even driving calmly, it is called vandalism. In my opinion, this is the easiest way: punishing people and everything ” added.

Upon investigation, the driver may have received negative attention from the police and others due to the fact that he tested his car not in private, but on the streets of the capital, N. Daunoravičius considered this possibility, but would still be no less disappointed .

“Difficult to say. That would also be a bad criterion, because there should be the same rules everywhere. Also, we did not drive to the center of Vilnius. As soon as we moved on the roads to the outskirts, we did not want to disturb anyone. We drove maybe just three kilometers, turned around and back, that’s all. Such a short trip was like, it took maybe 10 minutes, but it caused a lot of inconvenience. I really find it very annoying because our goal was by no means to do anything. bad. And now a mountain of worries awaits, which I hope will be overcome. Also, it seems strange to me that everything is made so public, although there will be a hearing in a month, “said Norbe. The police announce that a well-known cross-skier has received a severe punishment: the driver’s license has been revoked for a year. The interlocutor himself hopes that this is not the case. It is the deprivation of the opportunity to get behind the wheel that worries Norbert most, because he cars are his life.

“There is a risk of being disqualified from driving for a year, but nothing has been fully decided yet,” he breathed.

N. Daunoravičius suspects that by punishing him, he will allegedly show others an example that experimentation on the streets is not allowed.

“I found everything on the plate. It is very easy to punish when we make everything public ourselves. You may think that others will be afraid to punish me. In my opinion, Lithuanian roads are full of other problems and those that really need to be sanctioned. It really seems like that those who deserve it are often not punished, “said a motorsports representative. Norbert received police attention on Monday, the day officers released the record.” I could suspect that I would be punished for using the phone, but that thug driving … Well, I find it hard to agree with that. Especially since I am in danger of having my driving license revoked. And in Lithuania so far there are no conditions under which you can test your car. Where then to do it? Where to develop your driving skills? You get a vicious circle, because there is no such place, and if you go to the street, they punish you “, said the interlocutor.

N. Daunoravičius does not hide that the fine does not make him very angry and would agree with it in good faith, since he himself admits that he has committed some infractions, but is more afraid that he will not be able to sit in the driver’s cab. seat for one year.

“Every day we take care of cars, participate in their sports, perform abroad and travel around the world. And now, such a situation. We will see how things work. For now, according to the current dates, everything should be clearer in a month, but personally I would like to move this matter faster, because we have to prepare for the season, work on other jobs, so that the uncertainty stops everything. I really would like to believe that there was a rush with this verdict because everything It sounds pretty absurd. It seems like my fur is for teaching everyone else, but that’s the easiest way. As I mentioned, if I had thought we had done something wrong, we would not have filmed it, “said Delfi N. Daunoravičius.

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