vaccines can become a routine in our lives


After the vaccination process, A. Dulkys joked: “I feel great. Do not. (doesn’t hurt – aut. mail). Like he said in that video, “Just tap and go.”

According to the Health Minister, vaccination against the coronavirus “may become our routine in life”, and will probably “require some seasonality.” “And how often, you will see, but it is possible that, as with all vaccines, they have their own cyclicality,” said A. Dulkys.

Will it help regain confidence?

The minister hoped that the public vaccination of the country’s leaders with the AstraZeneca vaccine would restore confidence in it, but did not hide that the events of the past week did not contribute to it.

“I think it will definitely help. And how much, let’s take a look at it. We do not call your attention. We will see the results. But it must be recognized that the AstraZeneca surprise wave in Europe (…) certainly did not contribute to the reputation of this vaccine. But I think the pharmacovigilance system has worked.

The Ministry of Health is not an advertising agency, first of all it is the safety of the people, ”said A. Dulkys.

The minister pointed out that although the vaccine protects against serious diseases and death, “leaving a vaccination center does not mean that traffic regulations can be ignored. You don’t have to walk through a red light yet. “

A.Dulkys: The next 2-3 weeks are very important to us

At the same time, the Minister called for people to be vaccinated due to the increasing incidence of the coronavirus in Europe and the spread of the British strain COVID-19 in Lithuania.

“Today I am here and I am vaccinating, and I invite everyone who currently has the opportunity to be vaccinated according to the order, according to those priorities, to do so, because the next three weeks will be a test for Lithuania,” said A Dulkys explained.

According to the Minister of Health, the situation in the Vilnius region is the most worrying.

“In two thirds of the European Union countries, morbidity is currently increasing, in two thirds of Lithuanian municipalities the number has started to grow, in the Vilnius region we have returned to hospital development, because in the Vilnius region, Marijampolė our sequencing studies show the prevalence of the British variety and it is very dangerous.

“So the next 2-3 weeks are very important for us to try to stem the possible wave that has sadly carried us through other countries,” he said.

It will also offer vaccination centers to work on weekends

When asked when the mass vaccination of the population in Lithuania will begin, A. Dulkys pointed out that due to reduced supplies from AstraZeneca, this process may be slightly delayed.

“This week we plan to update the vaccination plan, the calendar, bringing all the knowledge we have of the manufacturers in one place. Today we have about 40 thousand. AstraZeneca vaccines must reach more than 40,000. There are over 10,000 other Pfizer vaccines. Modern vaccines.

That is, in the next week in our warehouses there will be about 90-100 thousand. vaccines, which we would undoubtedly encourage vaccination centers to use as soon as possible ”, he urged.

The Health Minister said he was not satisfied with the scope of vaccination in Lithuania, so on Tuesday he would hold a meeting with the vaccination centers that operate in the municipalities and invite him to start working on weekends as well. “Today the situation is different, that is why we have to start working both on Saturdays and Sundays,” said A. Dulkys.

Previously, President Gitanas Nausėda, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė and Seimas President Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen had already been vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine on Monday.

The opportunity to show confidence in the vaccine and get vaccinated for the top leaders of the country came after the entry into force of the order of the Minister of Health, which included the President, members of the Seimas and the Government in the order of priority of people. be vaccinated.

In Lithuania and the European Union, vaccination with AstraZeneca has been stopped due to identified cases of thromboembolism in vaccinated people.

On Thursday, the European Medicines Agency announced that this vaccine against COVID-19 is safe and effective, so vaccination with this vaccine has been renewed in Lithuania.
