During the weekend rally, as TV Raskevičius offered to “shoot”, A. Armonaitė will apply to the Prosecutor’s Office


At the rally, Vitolda Račkova, who calls herself a public figure, read the words transmitted by A.Kandrotas, a person named Celophana.

“Please read these words of mine: Raskevičius is an absolute colored beetle who will receive funding for his party from the Lithuanian state budget. He is an anti-state. Anyway, it should be shot at least once a year. A.Kandrotas “.

This video soon spread on social media.

True, TVRaskevičius himself reacted ironically to this question, asking “whether he will be allowed to choose the method of execution”.

For her part, the leader of the Freedom Party, the Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė, promised to address the Attorney General’s Office regarding these words as early as Monday.

“Tomorrow I will submit a request to the General Prosecutor’s Office for a rally during the weekend, who called, it is just scary to write, shoot my colleague Tomas V. Raskevičius and” like him, at least once a year. “

We all have freedom of expression and, as politicians, we are used to all kinds of names, but what sounded in that demonstration is not only an incitement to hatred, but also the threat to kill or seriously disturb human health, to terrorize a person.

What has been haunting Tom’s leadership for some time is uncontrollable hatred and methodically well-organized sexual orientation persecution. It has nothing to do with “traditional values”, nationality or Christianity, which they are trying to hide. And it has much in common with the totalitarian narratives that come to us from the East.

We cannot allow this to turn into outright violence, although there is no need to look far for examples, we have both Poland and Sweden. Just like we can’t allow LGBT people to feel unsafe! On the contrary, there are places under the Lithuanian tricolor for all people who love it, and the majority must also fight for minorities, ”wrote A. Armonaitė.
