Work year for horn finders: 50 euros and more can be obtained


Lauras Jagminas from Panevėžys hardly goes to the sun when the sun is shining. Going to the forest for a man is a real refreshment when you have to sit in the office in front of the computer all day.

Although Laura is a hunter, she often has binoculars in her hands instead of a rifle.

(6 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Awesome Collections – A working year for horn seekers, even if they take a vacation for this entertainment

“One of you merges with nature and enjoys the views, and if you still get trophies, then your journey is even happier,” says Lauras Jagminas from Panevėžys.

Right now, Lauras is wandering around the Panevėžys district waiting room, looking for beautiful deer, maybe he can find another horn. The hunt for the horn man was driven by a friend who has been doing it for ten years.

“I started looking for beautiful trophies myself a few years ago. It is clear that as I say the beginner is still the first steps, the first trophies are smaller ”, says L. Jagmin.

Experienced horn hunters generally know the trails of animals, their habitats. But you don’t want to betray good places to others. In addition, it is usually a matter of happiness, because when you go out looking you cannot always return from the forest with your fishing.

“The horns will not necessarily be dropped somewhere in the forest. They are usually in ditches in the field. For example, there are people who promote this hobby a lot and even take a 2-week vacation for it. Because when deer season starts, it’s the big, beautiful deer that release it first. Then the young males pull, ”says L. Jagminas.

“The Panevėžys district is one of the richest of those where there are mainly animals, the deer shed deer at the end of October in November, the elk at the end of November and December. deer in late February, March. Daniels at the end of April, “said Jonas Leika, a forest worker from Krekenava.

According to the interlocutors, the search for horns is becoming more popular every year, so the search season is getting shorter. Laura’s friend Marius catches up to 7 horns found this year, but he also finds 12 trophies.

Displaying an impressive collection of collected horns, Marius humbles himself and does not want to speak, but leaves the trophies to admire and does not hide them.

Voters of the horn say that a deer will be beautiful if the lower part of the horn is formed very well and works smoothly. Then it is possible to judge the beast that it is viable.

But there are those who are also drawn to hunting for horns in the woods for profit. Because a kilogram of bone material on the market ranges between 15 and 20 euros. According to the forestry engineer, a lot can be made with horns, from jewelry to hunting items. Furniture is even produced. Here it is that one of the corridors of the Krekenava forest district is decorated with exclusive lamps with deer and fallow deer horns.

“The second life of horns means when something is made of them. Now there is everything available online to find where to sell and the money you make is considerable. Because, just like people, they make products, ”says J. Leika.

“This is a source of income for the piece, because the average weight of the horn is about 3 kg, you can calculate it, if you can find a horn, you can earn up to 50 euros”, says L. Jagmin.

And the monetary earnings of Panevėžys friends, Lauras and Marius, are not attractive, for men it is a fun hobby, not a business.
