EVA convinces Finns at AstraZeneca to ‘throw it away’: blood clot vaccine rejected – Respublika.lt


As a precautionary measure, Finland is suspending vaccination with AstraZeneca for at least a week after receiving two reports of blood clots in patients vaccinated with the vaccine, the country’s Health Ministry said on Friday.


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AstraZeneca vaccine. Photo by EPA-Elta

“The Finnish National Institute of Health and Society has decided to suspend vaccination with AstraZeneca until more information is available on the case and a possible causal link can be assessed,” the institute said in a statement the next day from the European Medicines Agency. (EEA). ) confirmed that the vaccine is safe and effective.

Unlike neighboring Norway and Sweden, Finland had not stopped vaccinating with this vaccine developed by a British-Swedish company.

In Finland, use of the vaccine is suspended from Friday until at least March 29.

The THL advised residents vaccinated with AstraZeneca to be careful, but emphasized that these symptoms were very rare.

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